• 丹麦人不惜橱窗展示自己为找工作

    14-01-10 Unemployment in Europe has recently hit record highs, and although Denmark has been shielded from the eurozone's economic problems thanks to its low public debt, qualified professionals are still finding it tough to get a job. 失业率近期在欧洲屡创新...

  • 社科专业毕业生就业更容易

    13-10-29 Social science graduates are more likely to be in employment after their first degree than graduates in other areas such as science and the arts, and a higher proportion are in managerial and senior official roles, a new report says. The report, by...

  • 意大利花15亿促进年轻人就业

    13-06-27 Italy's government has announced it will spend 1.5bn euros to try to boost youth employment. 意大利政府宣布将花费15亿欧元提高年轻人就业率。 The funds include tax breaks for companies that hire people aged 18-29, and will target the country's deprive...

  • 美国五月就业率稍有增长

    13-06-08 US employment rose by slightly more than economists had predicted during May. 五月份美国的就业率比经济学家之前预测的数据稍有增长。 The latest US non-farm payrolls show that 175,000 jobs were created last month. But the unemployment rate increased sl...

  • 澳大利亚二月份就业率创新高

    13-03-14 Australia added 71,500 jobs in February, a huge jump and the biggest rise in total employment in more than a decade. 二月份澳大利亚新增71500个工作岗位,这是近十多年来就业率最大的一次增长。 Full-time employment jumped by 17,800 and part-time employme...

  • 2013热门职业排行

    12-12-14 Struggling to find a job? If youre an accountant, computer systems analyst or event coordinator, there's a good chance your luck will change in 2013. 你还在为找工作苦苦挣扎吗?如果你是一名会计师、计算机系统分析师或是活动协调员,那么2013年你将很可能...

  • employment discrimination 就业歧视

    12-01-18 Beijing will launch a series of measures to increase employment opportunities for this year's college graduates and to fight any illegal job agencies and employment discrimination. 北京将采取一系列措施为应届大学毕业生增加就业机会,同时打击一切非法职...

  • 美国五月份就业率剧烈下降

    11-06-05 US employment growth slowed sharply in May, with only 54,000 net new jobs added during the month. 五月份美国就业率剧烈下降,一个月只净增了5.4万个新工作岗位。 Markets had expected a rise of 150,000. It follows a downwardly revised but still rapid 232...

  • 转基因作物为印度妇女创造大量的工作岗位

    10-07-29 Research at the UK's University of Warwick, and the University of Goettingen in Germany, has found that the use of a particular GM crop in India produced massive benefits in the earnings and employment opportunities for rural Indian women. The resea...

  • 奥巴马宣告增加就业的计划

    09-12-09 US President Barack Obama has outlined a number of proposals aimed at boosting employment, including winding up the $700bn (425bn) US bank bail-out fund. 美国总统奥巴马概括出若干旨在扩大就业率的建议,包括启动7000亿美元的银行应急资金。 Mr Obama said...