• 磁纳米线结构影响固态存储器的速度

    10-06-10 After running a series of complex computer simulations(模拟) , researchers have found that flaws(缺陷,裂缝) in the structure of magnetic(有吸引力的) nanoscale wires play an important role in determining the operating speed of novel devices us...

  • 辐射发光与放射性粒子可用于疾病检测

    10-06-09 During SNM's 57th Annual Meeting, investigators presented the results of a multidisciplinary(有关各种学问的) study involving the capture of radiation luminescence(发冷光) and radioactive-excited nanoparticles to help detect subtle(微妙的,敏感...

  • 多接触大自然可使人们更有活力

    10-06-04 Feeling sluggish(迟钝的,懒惰的) ? The solution may require getting outside the box that big brick-and-mortar(砖瓦加水泥) box called a building. Being outside in nature makes people feel more alive, finds a series of studies published in the Jun...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Another Step Towards Securing Our Future in Energ

    10-05-24 Remarks by the President at Signing of Presidential Memorandum on Fuel Efficiency Standards Rose Garden 10:58 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Everybody, please have a seat. It is wonderful to have you all here. Welcome...

  • 人造基因组细胞问世

    10-05-21 Scientists have developed the first cell controlled by a synthetic(合成的,人造的) genome. They now hope to use this method to probe the basic machinery of life and to engineer bacteria specially designed to solve environmental or energy problems....

  • 斯坦福科学家从植株中提取出微弱电流

    10-04-14 In an electrifying(令人振奋的,惊人的) first, Stanford scientists have plugged in to(对很感兴趣) algae(海藻) cells and harnessed a tiny electric current. They found it at the very source of energy production photosynthesis(光合作用) , a plan...

  • 斯坦福科学家从植株中提取出微弱电流

    10-04-14 In an electrifying(令人振奋的,惊人的) first, Stanford scientists have plugged in to(对很感兴趣) algae(海藻) cells and harnessed a tiny electric current. They found it at the very source of energy production photosynthesis(光合作用) , a plan...

  • 面临经济制裁 伊朗加紧汽油限量供应

    10-03-18 Iran has announced it will cut the volume of its cheap petrol ration by 25% to 60 litres per vehicle per month from 21 March. 伊朗宣布,从3月21日起,国内每辆车每月廉价汽油供应将削减25%至60公升。 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is cutting back hard on...

  • 俄罗斯总理普京将出访印度

    10-03-11 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is due in India for talks expected to focus on arms and energy contracts. 俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京将出访印度,商讨武器和能源协议问题。 Mr Putin is expected to sign a host of agreements The two sides are due to s...

  • 奥巴马演讲 An Energy-Independent Future

    10-02-23 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Please have a seat. Have a seat. Good morning, everybody. Before I begin let me just acknowledge(承认,答谢) some of the people who are standing behind me here: First of all, two people who have been...