• low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标

    21-09-17 Low-hanging fruit 的字面意思是 挂在低处的果实,实际用来比喻 最容易得到的事物 或 最简单的、最容易达成的目标。 例句 The company made cuts with the low-hanging fruit they reduced the number of staff. 该公司从最容易达成削减经费目标的地方着手,裁减了员工...

  • 全国碳排放权集中统一交易即将开始

    21-06-25 6月22日,上海环境能源交易所发布的《关于全国碳排放权交易相关事项的公告》明确,全国碳排放权交易机构负责组织开展全国碳排放权集中统一交易。 The Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange will be responsible for opening accounts and the operation of the na...

  • 面对不同危险情况的求生方法

    21-06-10 If you ever find yourself buried in rubble and cant get out, dont yell. Youll end up just wasting energy and losing your voice. What you should do is grab something and start tapping in intervals of three. Humans are great at noticing patterns and t...

  • China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation project 中俄核能合作

    21-05-21 国家主席习近平5月19日通过视频连线,同俄罗斯总统普京共同见证两国核能合作项目田湾核电站和徐大堡核电站开工仪式。习近平指出,今年是《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年,他同普京总统商定,将在更高水平、更广领域、更深层次推进双边关系向前发展。 President Xi...

  • 长期夜间断食似乎有助促进新陈代谢

    21-04-24 If your phone needs a software upgrade, you would likely run the installations when its fully charged. Otherwise, your phone and its software would take longer to sync. 如果你的手机需要升级软件,你应该会在手机完全充电后再安装。否则,手机和软件同步会...

  • 《政府工作报告》有哪些科技创新关键词

    21-03-13 面向未来,创新在我国现代化建设全局中处于核心地位。推动高质量发展,构建新发展格局,一个关键是实现高水平的科技自立自强。 今年的《政府工作报告》有哪些科技创新关键词? 关键词一:基础研究 basic research 困扰中国科技发展的卡脖子之痛,根在基...

  • 绿色低碳循环发展经济体系

    21-03-03 国务院近日发布加快建立健全绿色低碳循环发展经济体系的指导意见。意见要求,坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,高效利用资源、严格保护生态环境、有效控制温室气体排放。 The State Council has released a guideline to accelerate the development of a green and low-carbon...

  • 吃什么会影响你的情绪

    21-02-24 我们当中的大多数人都喜欢吃东西,不论是喜好巧克力,还是对蛋糕情有独钟,那些被我们吃进肚子的食物其实会影响我们的情绪。科学家们最新发现了食物与人的情绪之间的关联。 Cosuming food can be a pleasurable thing we enjoy feasting on the mix of tastes and text...

  • 既环保又耐用的未来服装面料

    20-12-29 Choosing what to wear can be a tricky problem, especially if youre a fashion victim. Trying to keep up with the latest styles involves regular visits to the shops and sometimes forking out for expensive designer clothes. But when the fashion changes...

  • 应对气候变化 看视频不选高清模式

    20-12-29 英国皇家学会(Royal Society)的科学家们发表的一份报告称,在线收看电视节目时,选 标清模式 可以减少碳排放量。 The report says digital technology produces up to 6% of global emissions, but the authors say there are ways to lessen the impact. 这份报告称...