• all the colours of the rainbow 五颜六色、五彩缤纷

    21-08-09 我们用短语 all the colours of the rainbow 来形容某物五颜六色、五彩缤纷。 例句 Jane had some incredible clothes in her wardrobe; they were all the colours of the rainbow. We saw so many amazing birds in the jungle; they were all the colours of the ra...

  • linger on with no intent to leave 流连忘返

    21-06-11 流连忘返,汉语成语,意思是玩乐时留恋不愿离开,忘记了返回。常形容对美好景致或事物的留恋。可以翻译为enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home或linger on with no intent to leave。 例句: 那里风景如画,令游客流连忘返。 The picturesque view is a grea...

  • place in the sun 好境遇

    21-05-22 和亲朋好友去公园野餐或者去海滩度假是英国人典型的夏日休闲方式。不过,每遇到阳光明媚的日子,出门野餐和海边休假的人会非常多。如果能在阳光充足的绿地或沙滩上抢到一席之地,可以说是非常幸运的。所以,我们用表达 a place in the sun 阳光照耀之地 来指 令人羡慕...

  • give something a go 试一把

    21-05-08 有时候,挑战新事物会让人感到无比兴奋,而有时却又让人望而却步。表达 give something a go 的意思是 试做从未尝试过的事情或活动,它多用于鼓励他人去做原本不喜欢做的事。 例句 Youll love playing hockey why dont you give it a go? 你会爱上曲棍球的。为什么不试...

  • get on and get off 上下公共汽车等交通工具

    21-04-25 搭配 get on 和 get off 可以分别用来表示 登上 和 离开 不同的交通工具,比如:自行车 bikes/bicycles、火车 trains、公共汽车 buses 和摩托车 motorbikes,等等。 注意,如果要描述 上、下 汽车 cars、出租车 taxis、货车 vans、卡车 trucks,则应该用 get in 和 get...

  • 让蔬菜看起来更加美味诱人

    21-02-24 蔬菜对健康有益 这是一个众人皆知的道理。然而,我们有时候会因为偏爱其它食物的口味而对吃青菜感到很不情愿。 As a child, I was always told to eat my greens. These were the unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate. Peas, broccoli and green...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 13

    21-01-21 School is done, Now well have fun, Sung Bab and Betty, slamming down their books as if they never meant to take them up again, when they came home on the last day of June. Tired teacher had dismissed them for eight whole weeks, and gone away to rest...

  • 改变哪些生活方式可以省钱

    20-12-14 What are some lifestyle changes that save money? 有哪些生活方式的改变可以省钱? 1. Cut back on hanging out with lavish friends who do lavish things you dont really enjoy. If you love skiing, go. But you dont have to go to Aspen during Christmas week...

  • be (as) thick as thieves 亲密无间

    20-11-09 表达 be as thick as thieves 的意思和偷东西并无关连,而是用来形容友人关系密切、亲密无间,彼此间没有隔阂或秘密。这个表达通常用来暗示两人或多人就像 thieves(小偷) 聚在一起做坏事一样 thick(密集地),悄悄地盘算或谈论不可告人的事情。 在使用时,可以去掉...

  • satisfy both sides 两全其美

    20-08-25 两全其美,汉语成语,指做一件事顾全到双方,使两方面都得到好处( satisfy both sides ;suit both)。与英文俗语the best of both worlds意思相近,表示a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time。 例句:...