• 如何区分易混词at the moment和actually

    20-12-13 搭配 at the moment 和副词 actually 都可以用在句首。At the moment 用来描述事情发生的时间是 此时此刻;而 actually 的意思是 实际上,事实上。 1 At the moment 的意思是 此时此刻,目前。 Im studying at the moment because I have an exam tomorrow. Im sorry....

  • 刻苦用功

    20-11-26 1. Pull out all the stops 这个短语的用法起源于管风琴,stops指的是管风琴上的圆钮,按下它,笛管就无法奏乐。 如果把所有的圆钮都拔起来,那么笛管就会齐声共鸣。因此,英文借这个短语表达全力以赴。例: We pulled out all the stops to meet the deadline. 我们竭...

  • know something inside out 对某事了如指掌

    20-11-09 表达 know something inside out 的意思是 对某件事情、某个科目或主题了如指掌、洞悉透彻。 例句 Dont worry! Youll be fine in tomorrows exam. You know the book inside out by now! 别担心!明天的考试你一定会考好的。你现在对这本书已经了如指掌了! If you eve...

  • shout可以用它来“买单”

    20-10-15 英语单词shout(喊叫)有着几种不同的用法,但你知道还可以用它来买单吗? 动词 Shout是一个动词,意思是大声喊叫、大喊大叫,经常表达一种情绪。 例句:She shouted for joy when she learned shed passed her exam.(当她得知她通过了考试,她高兴得叫起来。) If yo...

  • know something inside out 对某件事情了如指掌

    20-09-08 表达 know something inside out 的意思是 对某件事情、某个科目或主题了如指掌、洞悉透彻。 例句 Dont worry! Youll be fine in tomorrows exam. You know the book inside out by now! 别担心!明天的考试你一定会考好的。你现在对这本书已经了如指掌了! If you eve...

  • 2019高考人数逾千万

    19-05-07 More than 10 million students have applied to take part in Chinas annual national college entrance examination this year, Minister of Education Chen Baosheng said Monday. 教育部部长陈宝生周一表示,今年有超过1000万考生报名参加高考。 Chen released the...

  • 近百万人参加2019公务员考试

    18-12-03 A total of 920,000 people took the National Public Servant Exam on Sunday to compete for 14,500 positions, the State Administration of Civil Service said. 根据国家公务员管理局的信息,周天共有92万人参加国家公务员考试,竞争14500个职位。 The exam is co...

  • 大学教会我们哪些技能

    18-06-03 1. Holding back unpleasant information Yesterday you had a bad experience, but you didnt tell anyone about it. Your WeChat Moments only document the positive parts of your life. The same thing happens whenever you call home and speak to your parents...

  • EMBA 高级管理人员工商管理硕士

    16-05-25 The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that, from next year, a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course. 全国工商管理硕士(MBA)教育指导委员会宣布,从明年起,申请就读高级管理人员工商...

  • 2016两会代表精彩语录7

    16-03-25 If we use the National College Entrance Exam as the sole criterion to evaluate every student, it will inevitably end up being an unequal foot race. If we want everyone to have a fair chance to shine, we have to let them choose to run or to swim base...