• the icing on the cake 锦上添花

    21-08-09 短语 the icing on the cake 蛋糕上的糖衣的意思是使一件原本己经很好的事物变得更好,锦上添花。 例句 It is great to see my team in the final. And now Ive got tickets to watch the match in the stadium - this is the icing on the cake! Marys salary will do...

  • ins and outs 全部细节

    21-07-26 我们可以用 ins and outs 来表达一件事或某个局面所包含的所有细节、里里外外的详情。 例句 To succeed at this job youll need to study the ins and outs of the financial markets. If you want to stand for class president youre going to have to learn the ins...

  • to break into (a profession) 打入(一个职业领域)

    21-07-22 如果你设法打入了一个特殊的职业领域 to break into a particular career,那就说明你成功地迈出了新事业中的第一步,也就是获得了第一份工作。这个短语通常用来形容那种竞争力强、令人仰慕的职业。 例句 He managed to break into acting after many years working as...

  • as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若

    21-07-19 表达as cool as a cucumber 像黄瓜一样冷静可以理解为处变不惊、泰然自若,即形容人在压力下显得极为冷静,毫不动容。单词 cool 在这里的意思并不是清凉的,而是指人镇定、沉着的样子。 例句 Hearing the news, everyone in the room panicked except for Tracey - she...

  • on tenterhooks 惶恐不安、提心吊胆

    21-07-07 英语表达 to be on tenterhooks 的意思是惶恐不安、提心吊胆。据说以前英国纺织厂有一种叫tenter的木制框架,可以把织好的布用许多tenterhooks 一种特殊的钩子绷紧拉开,这样晒干后就显得非常平整。这种让布料紧绷的方式让人们联想起一颗心被吊着,焦虑不安,如坐针毡...

  • grin from ear to ear 笑开了花,咧嘴大笑

    21-06-09 短语 grin from ear to ear 或者 smile from ear to ear 用来描述某人 开心地咧嘴大笑,笑得合不拢嘴。 例句 When I got my exam results, I was grinning from ear to ear. 当我拿到考试成绩时,我开心极了,笑得合不拢嘴。 I grinned from ear to ear when I heard a...

  • 中国最受欢迎的10个专业有7个是理工科

    21-06-09 According to China University Alumni Association, among those who score well enough in Chinas highly competitive exam system to get into university, 19.39% choose to study Economics and 19.06% select Business Management, which means business managem...

  • There you go.

    21-05-30 1 干得好!你做对了! 当别人做完一件事,作为鼓励,你可以说一句there you go,表示「你得到了想要的结果」,本质意思即你达成了某个结果。 = you go there = you go to the destination = you accomplish it. 举个例子: You need some skills to solve this puzzle....

  • 五个英语口语语法要点

    21-05-30 1.口语中的句子结构 Its difficult, the exam. 非正式口语中的语法在某些方面与书面语法不同。句子通常不那么复杂,使用的连词种类更少,也更简单。 正式的书面语: While the hotel was of quite a high standard, the food was disappointing. 非正式的口语: The ho...

  • 用一般现在时谈论将来

    21-05-15 为什么英语中的一般现在时有时可以用来谈论将来发生的事情。或许不少人也有过类似的疑问:一般现在时难道不是只能用来描述现在经常或者习惯性发生的动作以及客观真理吗?其实,这个理解并不准确。 当我们所谈论的事情是时刻表、日程表或日历上固定发生的事情时,句子的...