• 英国男子患脸部识别障碍症

    15-01-25 Daniel Devlin lives in the same house as his children and sees them every day yet he is unable to recognise them at all. 丹尼尔德夫林与他的孩子们生活在同一屋檐下,天天见面,然而,丹尼尔却认不出自己的孩子。 Mr Devlin, 46, from Nunhead, London, is liv...

  • 英国IT公司研发人脸识别技术

    13-07-28 The technology ensures that staff members can offer a more personalized service - and don't unwittingly miss out on potentially lucrative sales - by flagging up famous or wealthy big spenders. 日前一家英国IT公司声称研发出一项贵宾身份识别技术,能够通...

  • 避孕药影响女性对另一半的偏好

    13-04-03 Contrary to popular belief, a strong jaw and masculine looks may not be what all women want, a new study has revealed. 一项新研究揭示,和大众观念相反,不是所有女人都喜欢强壮的下巴和男性化的外表。 Women taking the contraceptive pill actually prefer m...

  • 日本研究者发现具有可再生“一次性阴茎”的海参

    13-02-14 日本研究者发现,太平洋中一种名为Chromodoris reticulata的海参能够丢弃、再生、重新使用其阴茎。研究者称其阴茎为一次性阴茎。他们认为,它是第一种能使用一次性阴茎交配的已知生物。 All sea slugs have complicated mating behaviour, but Chromodoris reticulata...

  • 翻译辨误11

    12-10-31 Aunt Mary is getting worse; she is forgetting faces nowadays. 正确译法:玛丽姑妈的情况(病情)更糟了,如今连人都认不得了。 原译(错译):玛丽姑妈越来越糟,现在都记不住人家的脸了。 解析:这样的翻译充其量勉强及格,虽然能猜出意思,但翻译腔太重。前半句i...

  • 面部照片不足以证明人的身份

    12-07-10 Photographs of faces may not be adequate proof of a person's identity and this could have serious implications for the accuracy of passport photographs in determining identity. Research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) shows...

  • 英国两毕业生出租面孔做广告牌

    11-10-29 面对低迷的就业市场,英国剑桥大学的两名毕业生突发奇想,对外出租自己的脸孔做广告牌,希望能在谋生的同时尽快还清总共5万英镑的助学贷款。 Faced with a challenging job market, former Cambridge students Ed Moyse and Ross Harper are painting different compan...

  • Do You Have a Good Memory 你的记忆力好吗

    11-08-02 Wife: Do you have a good memory for faces? Husband: Yeswhy? Wife: I just broke your shaving mirror. 妻子:你对面孔是不是很善于记忆呢? 丈夫:是的为什么这么问? 妻子:刚才我把你的刮脸镜子打破了。...

  • Landscape with Figures Partially Erased

    10-12-08 Landscape with Figures Partially Erased D. A. Powell First, it's just the faces disappearing. Because, deflected(偏离的) , as the faces long have been, with their hunched(缩成一团的) trunks(中继线,运动短裤) and mercilessly(残忍地) twisted n...

  • 处理面部信息的脑部区域被发现

    10-07-29 A specific area in our brains is responsible for processing information about human and animal faces, both how we recognize them and how we interpret facial expressions. Now, Tel Aviv University research is exploring what makes this highly specializ...