• 面对职场挫败5个不错的建议

    21-11-10 1. Accept it 坦然接受 Some people may feel denial after a disappointment. Its not very healthy to be in denial, because if you dont accept the situation for what it is, you cant take the next steps to move on. Take a deep breath, and come to terms w...

  • 世卫总干事:加快部署疫苗的准备工作

    21-02-01 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞近日表示,贫穷国家无法像富裕国家那样迅速获得疫苗,一些富裕国家还试图绕开新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划插队购买疫苗,世界正处于灾难性道德失败的边缘。 Addressing the agencys Executive Board, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed...