• 童星秀兰·邓波儿与世长辞 享年85岁

    14-02-16 Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85. 20世纪最著名的童星秀兰邓波儿布莱克与世长辞,享年85岁。 The dimpled actress found fame at the height of the Great Depression in movies includi...

  • 牛郎织女

    14-02-14 Long ago, there was a boy, clever, diligent and honest. Orphaned at an early age, he was very poor. However, he adopted an abandoned old buffalo, which proved to be very loyal and relieved him a lot from the hard labor in the fields. The two enjoyed...

  • 秘鲁安第斯山区发现一种新蟾蜍

    14-01-18 A new species of toad was discovered hiding in the leaf litter(落叶层) of the Peruvian Yungas. The word is used widely by the locals to describe ecoregion(生态区域) of montane(山地森林的) rainforests, and translates as warm valley in English....

  • 工作上做出牺牲的已婚母亲幸福感更强

    13-12-30 Two facts are often obscured in the public conversation devoted to women, work, and family. First, the vast majority of married mothers don't want to work full-time. Second, married mothers who are able to cut back at work to accommodate their famil...

  • 曼德拉遗体被葬入家族墓地

    13-12-18 Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, was laid to rest Sunday after a state funeral filled with tearful eulogies and strident vows to pursue his ideals of equality and justice. 当地时间12月15日,南非前总统曼德拉的世纪葬礼在其故乡东开...

  • 各国政要对曼德拉的颂词

    13-12-15 World leaders, family, friends and thousands of mourners who lined up for hours to secure a seat in Johannesburg's FNB stadium paid tribute to South Africa's anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela. Here's a selection of quotes from the speeches at the m...

  • 奥巴马讲话 祝美国人民感恩节快乐

    13-12-15 Hi, everybody. On behalf of all the Obamas-Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and the newest member of our family, Sunny-I want to wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. We'll be spending today just like many of you-sitting down with family and friends...

  • soft domestic violence 家庭软暴力

    13-12-10 Physical abuse toward family members is known as domestic violence, but there is another kind of abuse which leaves no scars on body and would not be punished by law but still hurts very much. This is called soft domestic violence , also known as em...

  • jigsaw family 拼图家庭

    13-12-10 Jigsaw family is a household that includes two or more sets of children from the parents previous relationships, in addition to any children they have together. Jigsaw family指夫妻双方带着各自之前婚姻中的孩子,以及他们自己的孩子共同组成的新家庭,即...

  • 曼德拉昔日看守回忆两人的忘年交

    13-12-09 曼德拉昔日在罗本岛的看守、陪他熬过漫漫铁窗生涯的克里斯托布兰德近日动情回忆了两人之间的交情。看似水火不相容的黑人政治犯和白人狱警缔结了一段感人的忘年交。 He was with Nelson Mandela during all those years the anti-apartheid icon was imprisoned on Robb...