• fan the flames 煽风点火

    21-12-09 表达 fan the flame 的意思是故意煽动、怂恿他人,火上浇油,使已经令人不快的情绪或紧张局势变得更糟。 例句 Dont fan the flames - the situation is already bad enough. Such behaviours are only fanning the flames. The speech seemed to have fanned the flame...

  • glowing terms 彩虹屁

    21-11-15 这年头,不会几句彩虹屁,都不好意思承认自己是追星女孩/男孩儿(idolater, fangirl/fanboy)了。 彩虹屁是一个饭圈术语,字面意思是rainbow fart,比喻粉丝花式吹捧自己的偶像(use complimentary expressions to describe ones idol),浑身是宝,毫无缺点(be perfe...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 28

    21-05-07 Her uncle and both her aunts were in the drawing-room when Fanny went down. To the former she was an interesting object, and he saw with pleasure the general elegance of her appearance, and her being in remarkably good looks. The neatness and propri...

  • “哈利波特”和“魔戒使者”撞脸

    16-06-08 Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe and Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood have been battling public confusion over their identities for years -- but fans struck by their striking similarities arent quieting down any time soon. 哈利波特丹尼尔拉德克利夫和...

  • Superbowl Snaps

    15-09-14 A first-grade teacher explains to her class that she is an New England Patriots fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Patriots fans too. Not really knowing what a Patriots fan was, but wanting to be liked by their teacher, thei...

  • 希拉里360万推特粉丝只有44%是真人

    15-05-02 Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 million of them. 虽然希拉里克林顿号称拥有一个多达360万人的强大推特粉丝团,但即使是势力庞大的右翼阴谋集团也...

  • Red Sox Nation

    15-03-17 Two boys are playing hockey on the pond on Boston Common, when one is attacked by a vicious Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy took his hockey stick and managed to wedge it down the dog's collar and twist, luckily breaking the dog's neck an...

  • fandom 粉丝圈

    14-07-10 Fandom (consisting of fan plus the suffix -dom, as in kingdom, freedom, etc.) is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fandom(就是fan加...

  • 国外球迷精彩评论1

    14-06-27 意大利0-1乌拉圭 heathcliff, 3 bites and your out! give this animal a lifetime ban TOLO, This is too much now. Not once, not twice but three times he has done this. There is something mentally wrong with him when he plays. Whether he gets to aggressi...

  • soccer fan syndrome 球迷综合征

    12-12-13 If you are an avid soccer fan, then youll be well aware of all the tense, nail-biting feelings that mysteriously occur when your team has a match. Youre in the dying minutes, your strikers have missed chance after chance, and the opposition is now t...