• 新研究:泛欧亚语系起源于中国东北

    21-11-16 发表在《自然》期刊上的一项新研究发现,包括日语、汉语、土耳其语和蒙古语在内的泛欧亚语系起源于9000年前在中国东北种植谷子的农民。研究人员指出,农业的发展推动了语言的传播。 A study combining linguistic, genetic and archaeological evidence has traced the...

  • 贫困人口基本医保的参保率稳定在99.9%

    20-11-23 The basic health insurance has paid 330 billion yuan for poor farmers since 2018 as part of a broader move to curb absolute poverty.The benefits helped about 10 million impoverished families escape poverty, and the plans participation rate has stabi...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 14

    20-09-16 As it is as impossible for the humble historian of the March family to write a story without theatricals in it as for our dear Miss Yonge to get on with less than twelve or fourteen children in her interesting tales, we will accept the fact, and at...