• 中国将推进农业机械化

    18-12-13 China has decided to boost mechanized farming and the upgrading of agricultural machinery. 中国将推进机械化耕作,升级农用机械。 The meeting said that quickening the work as required by the countrys rural vitalization strategy would provide essential...

  • 中国为农民设立秋收节

    18-06-22 China has designated a special day for farmers to celebrate the annual harvest, the first festival created by the state specifically for the countrys farmers. 中国为农民指定了一个特别的日子来庆祝每年的秋收,这是国家为农民单独设立的首个节日。 The Chi...

  • 李克强在陕西省视察工作

    17-07-11 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday inspected an agricultural technology innovation zone in Shaanxi province. 中国国务院总理李克强周一视察了陕西省一座农业技术创新示范区。 During his visit, the premier encouraged farmers to make good use of technolo...

  • 中国市场对北美农民越来越重要

    17-06-07 China is fast growing in importance as an export market for farmers in the USA and Canada. 对于美国和加拿大的农民来说,中国是一个增长迅速的重要出口市...

  • 农林业帮助农民开拓种植领域

    16-07-07 Imagine an agriculture field. Most are planted with row upon row of tidy cash crops. Now imagine that same field with rows of trees between the rows of crops. This forested field concept is called alley cropping. Alley cropping helps farmers diversi...

  • 食物匮乏导致细腰蜂体型变小

    16-03-27 According to a recent study, the size of a common ground-nesting bee - an important crop pollinator - has grown smaller in heavily farmed landscapes. The link between intensive agriculture and the size of Andrena nasonii bees has important implicati...

  • 欧洲最初的农民可追溯到安纳托利亚

    16-01-05 Human material from the Anatolian site Kumtepe was used in the study. The material was heavily degraded, but yielded enough DNA for the doctorate student Ayca Omrak to address questions concerning the demography connected to the spread of farming. S...

  • 欧盟拨款5亿援助农民

    15-09-08 European agriculture ministers have announced a 500-million-euro aid package to support farmers badly hit by a Russian ban on EU food imports. 欧盟农业部长宣布一项5亿欧元的援助方案,援助那些因俄罗斯禁止进口欧盟食品受到严重影响的农民。 The ministers...

  • 习近平强调保护耕地的重要性

    15-05-27 Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged authorities to implement the strictest rules on farmland protection. 中国国家主席习近平敦促官员实施最严格的条例以保护耕地。 Arable land is the country's most valuable asset... we should protect it the way we pr...

  • 莫迪语录摘选

    15-05-20 Financial unity - bringing everyone into the financial system is one cause which both capitalists and socialists agree on. What, my friends, can be a bigger reform? 财政统一使每个公民都能参与到财政体系中来,这是资本主义者和社会主义者共同的目标。我的...