• 近年美国的人口出生率持续走低

    13-12-20 Fertility rates in the United States are continuing their decades-long decline, due in large part to a steep slide in teenage pregnancies down to historic lows, according to a new government report released recently. 美国政府近期发布的工作报告指出,...

  • 教育推动经济发展 而非生育率

    13-12-05 A new study published in the journal Demography shows that improvements in education levels around the world have been key drivers of economic growth in developing countries that has previously been attributed to declines in fertility rates. The stu...

  • 体外受精技术使多胞胎的概率增加

    13-12-05 Fertility technology in the United States has a huge influence on the frequency of twins, triplets, and other multiple births, according to new estimates published Dec. 5 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Eli Y. Adashi, professor of obstet...

  • 抗氧化剂不能提高女性怀孕的几率

    13-08-06 There is no high quality evidence that antioxidant(抗氧化剂) supplements help to increase a woman's chances of having a baby, according to the results of a new systematic review. The review, published in The Cochrane Library, found women were no m...

  • 法国男性精子数量下降1/3

    12-12-05 The sperm count of French men fell by a third between 1989 and 2005, a study suggests. 一项研究显示,从1989到2005年,法国男性的精子数量下降了1/3。 The semen of more than 26,600 French men was tested in the study, reported in the journal Human Reprod...

  • 印度96岁老翁喜得第二子

    12-10-21 印度一位96岁的老翁近日喜迎第二个儿子的降生,成为世界上最老的新生儿父亲,孩子的母亲现年52岁。两年前,他们的第一个儿子出生时,他就打破了当时同样由一位印度人保持的世界纪录,那位印度老者在90岁时迎来自己第21个孩子。 Ramajit Raghav,96, and his 52-year-old...

  • 保持女性生育能力

    12-09-24 Melbourne researchers have identified a new way of protecting female fertility, offering hope to women whose fertility may be compromised by the side-effects of cancer therapy or by premature menopause. The researchers, from the Walter and Eliza Hal...

  • 维生素C能提高作物种子产量

    12-06-20 Biochemists at the University of California, Riverside report a new role for vitamin C in plants: promoting the production of twins and even triplets(三胞胎) in plant seeds. Daniel R. Gallie, a professor of biochemistry, and Zhong Chen, an associa...

  • fertility drug 多仔丸

    12-06-20 Statistics show China is facing an unprecedented wave of multiple births, and this means a significant number of women are choosing to take fertility drugs or use other methods to increase their number of fetuses. 有数据显示,中国正迎来一个前所未有...

  • 欧洲低生育率的原因

    11-06-19 The post-war trend of falling birth rates has been reversed(颠倒,翻转) across Europe, according to a new study. However, despite an increasing emphasis on family and fertility policies in Europe, this recent development involves social, cultural...