• 《超能陆战队》第1章

    23-01-28 Not quite a big city, and not quite a small town, San Fransokyo had always been a mysterious mix of old and new. On foggy nights, the bright skyscraper lights and the neon of the modern city softened, giving the old Victorian pagodas and forgotten a...

  • 源于“拳击”运动的英语表达

    22-11-02 拳击是一项古老的运动,人们认为它起源于古希腊。英国人在古代拳击的基础上制定了很多新的规则,现代拳击运动便在这里兴起,之后逐渐受到世界各地人们的喜爱。英语中有很多从该运动的规则中衍生出的表达,比如,成语blow-by-blow 一拳接一拳表示详实的,而on the ropes...