• 不去上班:你是真病了吗?

    21-03-23 Would you like your boss to find you here when you are on sick leave? If you are on sick leave for work-related stress dont pick a fight with a shark on a popular beach. A charity worker from Wales learnt this lesson a few weeks ago. He was sacked a...

  • 国家乡村振兴局正式挂牌

    21-03-03 2021年2月25日,国家乡村振兴局牌子正式挂出。 The National Administration for Rural Revitalization was formally inaugurated at the headquarters of the former State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Beijing. 国家乡...

  • exercise full and strict governance over the Party 全面从严

    21-01-26 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平1月22日在中国共产党第十九届中央纪律检查委员会第五次全体会议上发表重要讲话。他强调,要深入贯彻全面从严治党方针,坚定政治方向,确保十四五时期我国发展的目标任务落到实处。 President Xi Jinping stressed the imp...

  • troll 喷子

    21-01-13 喷子可以用troll来表述。这个词代表的人群言辞通常更加激烈,并且具有很强的挑衅意味和攻击性。 troll (在互联网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱)故意留下激怒他人言论的人 例句: Just ignore the trolls, they are just trying to start a fight. 不要理那些喷子,他们就是...

  • 9个小技巧让爱情更甜蜜

    21-01-11 1. Keep a secret running list of stuff you partner wants to do or have. Then, on a special occasion or when you have the money, take that special weekend trip, buy that nifty thing. 2. After a fight go for walk and hold hands. Conversations are easi...

  • 闺蜜

    20-11-25 ① best friend forever 死党,永远的朋友,是个很经典的表达,字面意思是永远的好朋友,一辈子的好朋友。 Although we fight we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever. 吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我的最好的死党。...

  • 中国誓要同美国单边主义斗争到“最后一刻”

    18-04-12 China on Thursday vowed to fight till the very end if the United States insists on unilateralism and trade protectionism. 本周四,中国誓要同美国的单边主义和贸易保护主义斗争到最后一刻。 As of now, government officials of the two countries have never...

  • email apnea 电邮呼吸暂停

    17-09-14 Email apnea refers to the unconscious and temporary suspension of regular breathing while checking and reading email. 电邮呼吸暂停指的是在查阅邮件时出现的规律呼吸的无意识暂停。 It might sound strange, but apparently 80 percent of us have picked up t...

  • 邹市明美国首战匈牙利拳击手

    16-06-10 Chinas two-time Olympic champion Zou Shiming will take on a young Hungarian boxer on Saturday at the Madison Square Garden in New York. 中国两届奥运冠军邹市明将于本周六在纽约麦迪逊广场花园挑战一位年轻的匈牙利拳击手。 Zou, 35, will make his debut in...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁打击极端恐怖组织ISIS

    16-03-13 Hi, everybody. This week, we continued our mission to destroy ISIL. This remains a difficult fight, and the situation in Syria and Iraq is incredibly complex. ISIL is entrenched, including in urban areas. It uses innocent civilians as human shields....