• 摩拜单车获6亿美元融资

    17-06-18 Chinese bike-sharing company Mobike said it had raised over 600 million US dollars in its latest financing round. 中国摩拜单车表示,在最新一轮的融资中该公司已获资超6亿美元。 Its CEO and co-founder, Davis Wang, said the capital raised will help with...

  • 中国将严厉打击非法融资

    17-04-26 China will tighten its crackdown on illegal fundraising to protect peoples interests and fend off systemic risks, the Office of the Inter-agency Anti-illegal Fundraising Taskforce said on Tuesday. 跨机构反非法融资工作组办公室周二表示,中国将加紧对非...

  • climate financing 气候融资

    13-08-21 Developing countries have submitted a proposal for a mid-term financing target for 2015, which is meant to ensure that the $100 billion a year in climate financing that developed countries have pledged to provide by 2020 in climate financing is guar...
