• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第21章

    22-12-22 The library in the Ascot mansion was usually quite cozy, but Helen Kingsleigh shivered in her seat at the wide oak table. Her eyes were fixed on the two men across from her. Hamish was tapping his fingers impatiently while James, his clerk, shuffled...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第14章

    22-12-21 A bright light woke Alice. She cracked her eyes open, raising her hand to shield them. Feeling a bit dizzy, she sat up slowly. She was lying in a metal-framed bed. The room was shaped in a peculiar circle and filled with other beds, all of them empt...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第13章

    22-12-21 Further in the past, a young Queen Elsmere was elbow-deep in flour as she rolled dough in the Witzend Castle kitchen. At the table behind her, her six-year-old daughters squabbled as they tugged back and forth on an almost empty plate of tarts. Your...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 1

    22-09-13 If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I was born, an what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but...

  • 忙得不可开交

    22-08-02 1. All hands on deck 全员各就各位 As the opening day approached, it was all hands on deck to get everything ready in time. 由于开业时间迫在眉睫,所有人员必须各就各位,及时做好各方面准备。 2. Hive of activity 一片繁忙的景象 When I arrived at the offi...

  • Break a leg! 祝好运!

    21-11-02 Break a leg本义是断一条腿。有一种说法是,相传淘气的精灵会让与愿望相反的事发生。于是人们故意说祝你断一条腿,希望借此骗过那些精灵。最早用于演出前预祝成功,现在使用更加广泛,相当于good luck。 例: Break a leg on your final! 期末考试祝好运啊! 祈求好运还...

  • green fingers 园艺技术高超

    21-07-15 Green fingers 绿手指其实是对喜欢园艺的人的一种称赞,意思是植物在他们的精心照料下能够茁壮成长。如果说某人有 green fingers,就意味着这个人种什么都能种得很好。我们也可以用有 green fingers 来形容喜欢园艺的人。当然,也有很多人对园艺不感兴趣或者种不活植物...

  • work one's fingers to the bone 拼命工作

    21-07-07 Work ones fingers to the bone的字面意思是工作到连手上的骨头都露出来了,其实际要表达的意思是长期辛苦工作,拼命地工作。人们常用这个表达来告诉他人自己是如何费了很大精力来做一件事情。 例句 She worked her fingers to the bone to feed the family. 她拼了命...

  • 唤醒自己的生活 重燃生活的热情

    21-06-24 Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.How right they were. Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, ext...

  • 祝你好运!

    20-10-18 1. Fingers crossed. 祈求好运。 这个表达常被用来为自己和他人祈求好运。 除了Fingers crossed.之外,在类似的语境中,大家也可以使用表达keep ones fingers crossed或者cross ones fingers,表示但愿、希望。 2. Best of luck. 祝你好运。 这是口语会话中常用的句子...