• share fridge 分享冰箱

    16-12-17 Chinas first share fridge , or a community fridge with food available freely, appeared in Puxiongxinyuan residential community in Putuo District, Shanghai on Sunday. The fridge is stocked with cakes and canned food from nearby markets and restaurant...

  • 新应用可检测面部表情推荐最佳食物

    16-12-09 A new app which monitors facial expressions to assess mood and then suggests the perfect food to lift the spirits, or quell anxiety, has been developed by scientists at Oxford University. 牛津大学的科学家们近日研发出一款新应用,它能通过检测面部表情...

  • 2016柯林斯年度词汇榜

    16-11-15 Brexit (noun): The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union Dude food (noun): Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men Hygge (noun): A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cosy...

  • Ins新奇葩食物 冰淇淋拉面

    16-10-28 Ice cream ramen - algae jelly noodles sitting in a soup made from condensed milk - is one of the wackiest Instagram food trends yet. 冰淇淋拉面是当前Ins上流行的奇葩食物之一,它由海藻胶面条配以炼乳制作的汤制成。 While millions love Ramen (a tradition...

  • 奇葩食物汉堡与热狗“混血”Hamdog问世

    16-10-16 From now on, when you get the munchies for a delicious street food snack, youll no longer have to choose between a hamburger and a hotdog, because you can have both in the same bun. Introducing the Hamdog, probably the craziest fast food hybrid ever...

  • 可以使大脑更加迟钝的生活习惯

    16-10-06 SITTING STILL When we sit for long periods (more than three hours), our inactivity leads to reduced blood flow to the brain and less oxygenation and nutrient supply, says Dr Jenny Brockis, author of Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your High-Perf...

  • 科学顾问整理的刷牙注意事项

    16-08-27 How often? The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque, limit the frequency, and amount of sugary food and drinks consumed in your diet, and see the dentist regularly. Donts 1. Brush...

  • 控制浪费 APP折扣价订购餐厅剩余食物

    16-08-27 Too Good To Go, an app operating in the UK, allows users to order leftover food at a discount from restaurants, according to the website. The goal is to help curb waste from establishments that typically toss out perfectly edible food at the end of...

  • 美国人享用中餐的神器 “筷叉”

    16-08-27 Remember the sporks of your childhood cafeteria days? The spoon-fork combo utensil was just spoon-like enough to make spear your food way too hard, and just fork-like enough to give you a nice stab in the tongue. 还记得童年时期小餐厅里的叉勺吗?这种...

  • 奥运村麦当劳免费食物将限量供应

    16-08-19 Olympic athletes have been ordering ridiculous amounts of food from McDonalds, forcing the free restaurant in the village to place a 20 items limit on orders, according to the Washington Post. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,奥运健儿们在麦当劳的点餐数量多得令...