• 摇滚歌手乔恩·邦·乔维为食物赈济站出资献力

    20-10-11 The global pandemic means his other job as [an] international rock star is somewhat on hold so he can devote time and sweat to this project. 受全球新冠肺炎疫情的影响,这位国际摇滚明星做歌手的工作暂时搁置了,所以他可以把时间和汗水投入到这个项目上。 I...

  • 自种食物

    20-10-11 We all need to eat, and when we go to buy food at the supermarket, were spoilt for choice in the range of items available that can be turned into a delicious meal. But we often purchase food thats been mass-produced and thats travelled many miles be...

  • wonky food 歪瓜裂枣

    20-09-25 A supermarket in Canada is urging its customers to remember that beauty is only skin deep, as it begins selling smaller, misshapen produce to help cut waste. 加拿大超市Loblaws鼓励消费者铭记美貌不只限于外表,为减少食品浪费,力推歪瓜裂枣。 Loblaws, th...

  • tonguegasm 尖上的高潮

    20-09-25 Something ingested through the mouth that has an extremely amazing taste. The -gasm referring to amazing. 吃下美味食物后,会感觉味道棒极了,这就是舌尖上的高潮。-gasm指的是食物美味至极。 例如: Tyson had a tonguegasm whilst eating Sichuan food. 泰森...

  • 引领饮食潮流的犹太洁食

    20-09-22 Have you ever eaten kosher food? Thats food which conforms to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut. These regulations forbid consuming pork or shellfish of any kind, for example. Meat from other animals, such as cows and lamb, are OK provided r...

  • 人们为什么要抢购囤货

    20-09-19 Have you ever watched one of the many TV shows set during the apocalypse - a dystopian future where life as we know it is over and people are only focussed on survival? If its not zombies, its viruses or natural disasters. One thing that seems to be...

  • 八成英国人午休时间不吃饭

    20-09-14 Just one in five workers use their lunch break to actually eat every day -- with most using the time to catch up on personal errands and browse social media instead. 只有五分之一的职员每天在午休时间吃饭,大多数人都是在午休时间打理私事或刷社交媒体。...

  • 9成以上国人外出就餐习惯打包

    20-09-11 A recent survey has shown that 91.2% of the Chinese respondents tend to take home their leftovers when dining out. 近日的一项调查显示,91.2%的国内受访者外出就餐时有打包剩菜的习惯。 Around 92% of the respondents believed saving food is a virtue that...

  • 疫情暴发带火国内零食业

    20-09-11 Major snack retailers in China have seen burgeoning sales growth in the first half of this year, as more people stayed at home longer and enjoyed more snacks since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 由于自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,更多人宅家时间更长...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:关于新食物

    20-03-17 1. Have you ever tried foreign food? Oh yes, I love foreign food all by my heart. I have been to USA before. It was a long stay and I grabbed every opportunity to explore sandwich, hamburg and different cheese. I am also a die hard fan of Japanese f...