• when in Rome, do as the Romans do 入乡随俗

    21-03-30 入乡随俗,汉语成语,是指到一个地方,就顺从当地的习俗(conform to local customs/practices),与英文习语when in Rome, do as the Romans do意思相同。 例句: 我去伦敦总要带一把雨伞,入乡随俗嘛。 I always carry an umbrella when I visit London. When in Rom...

  • 毛茸茸的不速之客

    21-03-25 It began as a mystery who was the nighttime intruder breaking into the Henderson family home? Fortunately, CCTV caught him in the act and they soon got the answer nose to nose. 起初,这是一个谜:谁是夜晚闯入亨德森家中的不速之客?好在视频监控系统把它...

  • be worth pondering over 耐人寻味

    21-03-13 耐人寻味,汉语成语,意思是值得让人仔细体会、琢磨。可以翻译为provide [give] much food for thought,be thought provoking或be worth pondering over。 例句: 她的讲话耐人寻味。 Her speech gives much food for thought. 他的话虽然不多,却耐人寻味。 He didnt...

  • 数码时代食物

    21-03-10 Do you shop for groceries online and have them delivered to your door? Well, this might be just the start of a digital revolution in food. How about tattooed fruit, ice cubes which send text messages, and wine from the bottom of the ocean? All these...

  • 超市各种促销手段导致食品浪费严重

    21-03-03 Are you guilty of throwing away food? Many of us end up binning unwanted, uneaten or out- of-date food while millions of people in the world starve. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation estimates that 33 per cent of food produced is...

  • 你想去南极旅游吗?

    21-02-27 Where should an adventurous tourist go? After youve done sightseeing in London, shopping in New York, savoured the local food in Paris, and danced to your hearts content at the Brazilian carnival, where else can you go? What exotic tourist destinati...

  • 渴望创新美味佳肴

    21-02-27 What did you eat for lunch today? Did you choose this dish because it was healthy, cheap or because it was just very tasty? Are you a fussy eater or an adventurous gourmet? I love exploring trends in food. Fusion cuisine is not for everybody. My Ita...

  • 午饭时间的“选择困难症”

    21-02-25 在忙碌的工作日中午休息一小段时间固然可以放松身心,然而很多人在午休前都面临一个难题到底该吃什么?由于工作紧张而繁忙,大部分上班族都会在中午吃同一类食品,其实我们最好偶尔换一换口味。 Whether at school, college or work, most of us take some sort of lun...

  • 食品浪费

    21-02-24 近年来,发达国家正面临愈演愈烈的食品浪费现象。生活在这些国家的人们扔掉大量的食物,与其对比,另有一些国家的人们面临食物紧缺,饥饿难耐。 How much food do you buy each week? Are you someone who stuffs your fridge and cupboards full of edible treats so...

  • 吃什么会影响你的情绪

    21-02-24 我们当中的大多数人都喜欢吃东西,不论是喜好巧克力,还是对蛋糕情有独钟,那些被我们吃进肚子的食物其实会影响我们的情绪。科学家们最新发现了食物与人的情绪之间的关联。 Cosuming food can be a pleasurable thing we enjoy feasting on the mix of tastes and text...