• 麦当劳推限量版香菜新地

    22-02-28 就在上周一,麦当劳推出了一款前所未有的产品:限量版香菜新地! 微博上发布的图片显示,这款新地撒上香菜碎屑和香菜味糖浆,颜色明快、让人直呼上头,不少网友纷纷跟风打卡。据悉,该款冰淇淋售价6.6元,仅限21至25日内销售。 A craze for coriander is now sweeping...

  • 1月全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨0.9%

    22-02-17 16日,国家统计局发布了1月份全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)等数据。 Chinas consumer price index (CPI) , a main gauge of inflation,rose 0.9 percent year on year in January, down from the 1.5-percent increase a month ago, the National Bureau of Statistics...

  • 冬奥会数道中国美食走红

    22-02-17 饺子、豆包、麻辣烫、宫保鸡丁除了顶流吉祥物冰墩墩,北京冬奥会上让运动员和工作人员上头的,还有中国美食! A dozen Chinese dishes have gained fame during the Games, after athletes shared an inside look at food being served in the athletes village on Tik...

  • 饺子起源的传说

    22-01-29 马上就到大年三十啦,你家有吃饺子的习俗吗?过年吃饺子是中国北方延续已久的传统年俗。 关于饺子的起源传说众多,其中一种说法是饺子源于东汉时期,为医圣张仲景首创。当时饺子是药用,张仲景用面皮包上一些祛寒的药材用来治病(羊肉、胡椒等),避免病人耳朵上生冻疮...

  • be closely linked to 息息相关

    22-01-26 息息相关,汉语成语,意思是彼此呼吸都相互关联,形容关系非常密切。可以翻译为be closely linked to,be closely bound up with等。 例句: 国家的命运与个人的命运息息相关。 The fate of the country is bound up with the fate of the individual. 众所周知,食物...

  • 睡前饮食红榜

    22-01-26 1. Bananas 香蕉 Although generally considered an energy-boosting food, bananas are rich in magnesium which relaxes muscles and they also contain serotonin and melatonin, which encourage sleep. 香蕉通常被认为是一种补充能量的食物,但香蕉富含镁元素,可...

  • 睡前饮食黑榜

    22-01-26 1. Alcohol 酒精 Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep. 虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。 2. Cheese 奶酪 Ever heard people say they have strange dreams...

  • a drop in the ocean 九牛一毛

    22-01-22 九牛一毛,汉语成语,字面意思是九头牛身上的一根毛(a single hair out of nine ox hides),比喻渺...

  • go easy on someone 对某人不要太严格,严苛

    22-01-07 Go easy on someone 对某人不要太严格,严苛 Go easy on the kids. Dont push them too hard.对孩子要宽容一点,不要太压迫他们了。 Go easy on him. Its his first day.别对他太苛刻了,这是他第一天上班。 虽然easy形容人不太好,但加上going变成easy-going,就显得...

  • easy on the eyes 秀色可餐、风华绝代

    22-01-07 如果你要形容一个女生长得很好看,可以用秀色可餐、风华绝代等词。这时候英文就可以说:Easy on the eyes She is easy on the eyes. 她很好看 这个短语,还可以用来表示菜色。 My food is easy on the eyes. 我的菜看着让人很有食欲。...