• 英国传统运动:足球

    22-11-02 许多世界性的体育运动都发源于英国,职业足球就是其中的一项。英国人既热衷于看足球比赛,也非常喜欢谈论足球。因此,英语中逐渐衍生出很多和这项运动有关的日常表达和搭配。 1. There is an expression which is commonly used between players of the same team to w...

  • 用单词like表喜好

    22-10-19 1. If something feels comfortable, like your home, its... a) homey b) homely c) homelike 2. What part of speech is like in this sentence? What does Ginger like? a) noun b) verb c) preposition 3. When do you use like as a preposition? a) When asking...

  • 《中国青少年足球联赛赛事组织工作方案(2022-2024年)》6月1日

    22-06-07 由教育部、国家体育总局、中国足协共同研究制定的《中国青少年足球联赛赛事组织工作方案(2022-2024年)》6月1日发布。中国青少年足球联赛(以下简称联赛)是我国覆盖面最广、竞技水平最高、参与人数最多、社会影响力最大的青少年足球顶级赛事。 According to the Work...

  • beside和besides

    22-02-23 虽然beside和besides在拼写上只差一个字母s,但它们的意思和用法却完全不同。它们的不同点具体是什么? 用法总结 1 Beside是介词,表物理方位在旁边,相当于更正式一点的next to。 Put the chair beside the table. Come and sit beside me. The cinema is beside the...

  • a big fish 一个重要人物

    21-12-24 当我们形容某人是 a big fish 一条大鱼时,这就是说这个人是一个重要人物。 例句 Ive got a very important meeting with Mr Johnston later hes the big fish in the company! Sepp Blatter is the President of FIFA and a big fish in international football. If y...

  • to soldier on 顽强地坚持下去

    21-12-24 当你做事情碰到困难但仍然顽强地坚持下去,这样的态度就可以被形容为 to soldier on. 例句 He picked up a nasty injury but had to soldier on till the end of the football match because the coach had used up all of the substitutes. Jane felt terrible but so...

  • an all-rounder 在多方面都很有才华

    21-12-17 如果某人被形容为 an all-rounder 意思就是他在多方面都很有才华。在谈论体育运动时这就是指全能选手,但这个表达并不局限于体育。 例句 On the football pitch hes a real all-rounder. He can play in attack or defence and hes also a pretty good goalkeeper. Whe...

  • to make a meal out of something 小题大做

    21-12-14 成语 to make a meal out of something 的意思是小题大做,故意夸大事情的状况。也常被用于形容某人故意夸大事情的难度,或者故意让事情变得更加复杂。 例句 One thing I hate about football is the way the players always make a meal out of it when they are foul...

  • to get worked up 因某事被惹得特别生气

    21-12-14 Get worked up 这个短语可以被用来形容某人因什么事情被惹生气或使其变得十分激动。 例句 So your football team lost again. I dont know why you get so worked up. Its only a game. The fact that you always say its only a game is what really gets me worked u...

  • keep people guessing 卖关子

    21-11-19 卖关子,原指说书人(pingshu performer)说长篇故事,每次总在说到重要关节处停止,借以保持悬念(stop a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense),吸引听众接着往下听。 现在用来比喻说话、做事在紧要的时候,故弄玄虚,让人着急,英文可以翻译为del...