• 多数女性曾上传朋友丑照

    12-07-07 THE MAJORITY of women posting the photos said they did so after falling out with their friends, while nearly a third said they were taking revenge on people who had done the same to them. 多数上传朋友丑照的女性称她们是在和朋友闹翻后才这么做的,而有...

  • Do I Need To Like Myself?

    12-07-05 Yes! People who don't like themselves are a pain in the neck! Usually, people with a poor self-image use one of two irritating strategies. They either: a) criticize you a lot or b) they criticize themselves a lot. STRATEGY A: They criticize you a lo...

  • 研究:不宜跟朋友合伙做生意

    12-06-30 Thinking of going into business with a friend? Your relationship could cost you, according to research. 在考虑和朋友合伙做生意吗?研究表明,你的友情会让你遭受损失。 Researchers at Harvard University, in a study looking at friendship among venture ca...

  • 日本物理学家成功预测电影票房

    12-06-18 A group of Japanese scientists have surprised themselves by being able to predict the success or failure of blockbuster movies at the box office using a set of mathematical models. The researchers, publishing their study June 15, in the Institute of...

  • Touched by Love

    12-06-14 I knew I had been touched by love... the first time I saw you and I felt your warmth and heard your laughter. I knew I had been touchedby love... when I was hurting from something that happened, and you came alone and made the hurt go away. I knew I...

  • 《国王的演讲》三

    12-05-17 精彩对白 Lionel: Does it feel strange, now that David's on the throne? Bertie: Tell you the truth, It was a relief.. Knowing.. I wouldn't be ..King. Lionel: But unless he produces an heir, you're next in line. And your daughter, Elizabeth, would the...

  • The Long Goodbye

    12-05-04 They grow up too soon, everyone told me. Eighteen years later, I finally understand what they meant. It's nearly the end of summer break and my son goes out with friends. Ten minutes after he leaves home, I receive his text: Here. It's the same mess...

  • 孔子语录

    12-04-26 The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar(从远处) , is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one's merits(优点)...

  • Paliday 亲友假期

    12-04-17 A paliday is a holiday in which you rely on the goodwill of your friends or family to feed and house you in their own home. And in the recent tough financial climate, the paliday appears to be increasingly popular, as people search for alternative w...

  • One-Year Study in Australia 2

    12-04-11 The most difficult problem for the overseas students to overcome might be loneliness. There is a popular dialogue in our class. Why are the Asian students so slim? Because we are too homesick(想家的) . Homesickness is always with me, particularly...