• 米德尔顿低调举办婚前单身派对

    11-04-02 Kate Middleton has followed the example of her fianc, Prince William, by opting for a distinctly low-key hen night. 凯特米德尔顿日前效法未婚夫威廉王子,低调举办了婚前单身派对。 File photo of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Kate Middleton has foll...

  • 伊丽莎白·泰勒名言20句

    11-03-26 Dame Elizabeth Taylor, who has died aged 79, on success, diamonds and failed marriages. Big girls need big diamonds. 大女孩需要大钻石。 I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions. 我一直都承认是我的热情在控制着我。 I fell off my pink cloud w...

  • Three Friends' Funerals

    11-03-15 Three good friends were driving along on the highway one Saturday: a doctor, a teacher, and a lawyer. All of a sudden, a brand-new SUV(运动型多功能车) cut them off. In an attempt to miss the shiny big vehicle, the driver swerved(转弯) to the lef...

  • 六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇20

    11-03-14 Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes) The decision to move is also influenced by personal factors of the promising migrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles --71-- operate differently on different peoples, sometimes because they are --72-- o...

  • Live your Life

    11-03-09 However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun(回避) it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may...

  • 英国人喜爱宠物超于恋人

    11-02-20 Britons are famously devoted to their pets but a new survey ahead of Valentine's Day shows their furry friends may be standing in the way of love. 英国人对宠物的喜爱是出了名的,但情人节前夕进行的一项最新调查显示,这些毛茸茸的朋友们可能会阻碍爱情。 E...

  • April

    11-02-15 April Alicia Ostriker The optimists among us taking heart(振作,鼓起勇气) because it is spring skip along attending their meetings signing their e-mail petitions(请愿) marching with their satiric(讽刺的) signs singing their we shall overcome s...

  • 社交网站会加强不同年龄群体的联系

    10-11-27 Contrary to common belief social media websites such as Facebook do not weaken personal ties, they strengthen them in unique ways for different age groups, according to a new study. 一项新研究表明,Facebook等社交网站并不会削弱人与人之间的关系,反而...

  • 1/4英国人仍与儿时好友保持联系

    10-11-13 A quarter of Britons are still in touch with their first best friend from childhood, a new study suggested today. 今日发布的一项新研究显示,四分之一的英国人仍然和童年时结交的第一个好友保持联系。 One in four said they were still in contact with their...

  • 日本朋友间很少分享个人秘事

    10-10-20 In the United States, friends often share intimate details of their lives and problems. However, such self- disclosure(揭露,揭发) is much less common in Japan. A new study by an American researcher living in Japan finds that this may be because o...