• 《冰雪奇缘》第12章

    23-01-29 Together, Kristoff, Sven, and Anna walked through the night. As dawn crept over the horizon, the three travelers found themselves on the rim of a mountain. Looking down, they could see Arendelle in the distance. But it wasnt the summertime view they...

  • 21-12-01 表达自己冷,小伙伴们是不是只会说cold呢,词到用时方恨少啊,其实表示冷有很多种表达方式: Its freezing/ chilly out there. 外面冻死了。 The wind is bone-chilling. 真是寒风刺骨...

  • frozen to the core 冻得透心凉

    21-01-28 表达 frozen to the core 用来形容 人感觉极其寒冷。其中,to the core 的意思是 彻头彻尾的,极其,所以,frozen to the core 就突出表达了 某人从头到脚、浑身冰冷的感觉。这个表达通常和感官动词 feel或系动词 be 连用,即 feel frozen to the core 或者 be frozen...

  • 《冰雪奇缘2》发布先行预告片

    19-02-15 Elsa and Anna are back! 艾尔莎和安娜即将回归! The much anticipated teaser trailer for Frozen 2 - the follow-up to the 2013 Oscar-winning animated smash hit - has been unveiled. The two minute clip doesnt reveal much about what the sequel has in sto...

  • 冷冻食品成英国中产家庭的节日大餐

    16-12-30 Serving Christmas guests freezer food would once have been considered a major faux-pas among discerning middle-class hosts. 在过去,圣诞节用冷冻食物招待客人会被眼光敏锐的中产阶级看作极为失礼的行为。 But now a new wave of upmarket frozen food appears...

  • frozen yogurt 冻酸奶

    16-07-31 A trend has been that the ice cream industry is trying to get health-friendly, with low calories and low-carb options, but it is playing catch-up to frozen yogurt , Andre said. Besides health concerns, two more innovations in the frozen yogurt indus...

  • 歪果仁真会玩:冷冻裤

    16-01-30 Residents suffering through the brutal winters of Minnesota are finding interesting ways to entertain themselves. 近日,暴风雪席卷了美国明尼苏达州,当地居民在饱受严寒之苦时,还不忘自娱自乐。 With winter comes plenty of new activities like sledding,...

  • 官方确认《冰雪奇缘2》正在制作中

    15-03-22 Frozen 2 has been officially announced by Disney. 迪士尼官方消息,《冰雪奇缘2》终于要来了。 A sequel to the smash hit film was hotly anticipated by fans and largely expected, but it has now been confirmed that the movie is in development. 'Forecast:...

  • 西伯利亚出土完整冰冻野牛干尸

    14-11-10 Many large charismatic mammals went extinct at the end of the Ice Age (approx 11,000 years ago), including the Steppe bison, Bison priscus. A recent find in Eastern Siberia has uncovered one of these bison, literally, frozen in time. The most comple...

  • quick-frozen snacks 速冻食品

    12-07-02 A leading Chinese producer for quick-frozen snacks Thursday apologized for the production and sale of bacteria-contaminated dumplings and said that a recall was underway. 中国一家速冻食品大生产商周四为生产和销售含有细菌的水饺致歉,并称正在进行产品召...