• 国务院印发《关于推动个人养老金发展的意见》

    22-04-25 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于推动个人养老金发展的意见》。分析人士认为,个人养老金制度落地将进一步推进多层次、多支柱养老保险体系建设。 China on Thursday rolled out a private pension scheme to complement the nations current pension system in its latest e...

  • 中国人民银行结存利润总额超过1万亿元

    22-03-11 中国人民银行今年依法向中央财政上缴结存利润,总额超过1万亿元(约合1583亿美元)。 Chinas central bank plans to turn over more than 1 trillion yuan (about 158.3 billion U.S. dollars) in surplus profits to the countrys central budget in 2022 to support...

  • 基本养老保险全国统筹今年正式实施

    22-02-28 基本养老保险全国统筹已于今年1月1日正式实施。 China has started nationwide pooling of basic pension funds since Jan 1 this year, Vice Minister of Finance Yu Weiping said at a press conference. 财政部副部长余蔚平22日在新闻发布会上表示,企业职工基本养...

  • 常态化财政资金直达机制

    21-05-08 近日召开的国务院常务会议部署进一步实施好常态化财政资金直达机制,更好发挥财政资金惠企利民作用。会议指出,实施财政资金直达机制是创新宏观调控的重大举措。 China will improve the implementation of the system for the regular transfer of direct fiscal fund...

  • 美国五任前总统同台筹集善款

    17-10-22 All five living former presidents of the United States took to the stage Saturday night at a benefit concert here to raise funds for the victims of recent hurricanes that hit various parts of the country. 本周六晚,美国在世的五任前总统在一场慈善音乐...

  • social insurance funds 社保基金

    16-05-16 社保基金( social insurance funds )是为了保障公民在年老、疾...

  • 为退休节省资金的几条建议

    14-07-21 1. Join your retirement plan at work. It's the easiest way to save because money is automatically deducted from your paycheck, he says. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan, if you're not eligible to participate in it or if you're alread...

  • poverty-relief funds 扶贫基金

    13-12-11 The central government vowed on Tuesday to strictly monitor the use of poverty-relief funds to protect the interests of people in need. 中央政府周二宣誓要严格管制对扶贫基金的使用,以保护贫困人群的利益。 会议指出,那些embezzle(贪污)或misuse (滥用...

  • 东京电力将获9000亿日元援助基金

    11-11-04 Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) is set to receive 900bn yen ($11.5bn; 7bn) in bailout funds. 东京电力公司将要获得9000亿日元政府援助基金。 The funds are a part of the government's bailout plan for Tepco, which is expected to make a loss of 576bn...

  • 法国前总统希拉克贪污案将开庭审理

    11-03-07 Former French President Jacques Chirac is due to go on trial on charges he misused public funds while he was mayor of Paris, before he was president. 法国前总统雅克希拉克因在担任巴黎市长期间滥用公共基金而将接受审讯。 Under French law the former pres...
