• 亚洲蝙蝠对白鼻综合症真菌有抵抗力

    16-03-10 As the deadly bat disease called white-nose syndrome continues to spread across North America, scientists are studying bats in China to understand how they are able to survive infections with the same fungus that has wiped out millions of North Amer...

  • 恶性植物真菌影响英国小麦产量

    15-02-27 The spread of exotic and aggressive strains of a plant fungus is presenting a serious threat to wheat production in the UK, according to research published in Genome Biology. The research uses a new surveillance technique that could be applied inter...

  • 马拉色氏菌在全球广泛分布

    14-08-26 A ubiquitous(普遍存在的) skin fungus linked to dandruff(头皮屑) , eczema(湿疹) and other itchy, flaky maladies in humans has now been tracked to even further global reaches -- including Hawaiian coral reefs and the extreme environments of arct...

  • 气候变化为木炭腐病菌提供良好的生存环境

    14-07-10 With over 100 diseases that can attack soybean crops, why would charcoal rot rise to the top of the most wanted list? University of Illinois scientists cite the earth's changing climate as one reason that more research is needed on the fungus that c...

  • 两栖类可获得对致命真菌的抵抗力

    14-07-10 Emerging fungal pathogens pose a greater threat to biodiversity than any other parasitic group, causing population declines of amphibians, bats, corals, bees and snakes. New research from the University of South Florida published in the journal Natu...

  • 安第斯山蛙类数量减少是因为某致命壶菌

    13-12-14 A deadly fungus, and not climate change as is widely believed, is the primary culprit behind the rapid decline of frog populations in the Andes mountains, according to a new study published today in the journal Conservation Biology. Frogs living at...

  • 某霉菌会使两栖动物的免疫反应瘫痪

    13-10-19 A fungus that is killing frogs and other amphibians around the world releases a toxic factor that disables the amphibian immune response, Vanderbilt University investigators report Oct. 18 in the journal Science. The findings represent a step forwar...

  • 切叶蚁种群有开发生物能源的潜力

    13-06-16 As spring warms up Wisconsin, humans aren't the only ones tending their gardens. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Bacteriology, colonies of leaf-cutter ants cultivate thriving communities of fungi and bacteria using freshly cut p...

  • 十大植物致病菌类

    12-10-19 Almost 500 international experts have worked together to develop a ranking system of the ten most important phytopathogenic(致植物病的) fungi on a scientific and economic level. The rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe oryzae) sits at the top of the lis...

  • 某寄生虫能对抗僵尸蚂蚁病菌

    12-05-07 A parasite that fights the zombie-ant fungus has yielded some of its secrets to an international research team led by Penn State's David Hughes. The research reveals, for the first time, how an entire ant colony is able to survive infestations by th...