• 英语中常见不可数名词的用法

    21-09-17 英语中的名词分为 可数名词 countable nouns 和 不可数名词 uncountable nouns 两种。通常情况下,区分这两类名词是有规可循的 不可数名词大多是抽象的概念、不可论 个 的事物或集合名词等。比如:面包 bread、糖 sugar、电 electricity、爱 love,均不可数。做下面的...

  • It's fully furnished. 拎包入住

    20-10-19 拎包入住是公寓租房广告最常见的说法。 如果让你翻译成英语,我想很多人会从拎包这个动作入手,比如会说成:carry a bag to live in...中枪没有? 事实上,拎包入住指的是出租房里家具齐全,租客无需置办家具。 所以,拎包入住是从侧面反映了家具齐全的事实,并不是真...

  • 革新发明 可以变成家具的书

    15-07-31 A Hong Kong-based designer has launched a revolutionary book that transforms into a piece of furniture. 近日,一名香港设计师推出了一项革新发明可以变成家具的书。 The unique book-shaped creation - called Bookniture - can be unfolded to become a chair...

  • 提高普通家具的防火性

    14-02-11 The bench-scale test widely used to evaluate whether a burning cigarette will ignite(点燃) upholstered furniture may underestimate the tendency of component materials to smolder when these materials are used in sofas and chairs supported by spring...
