• 一些跟“小龙虾”相关的实用表达

    22-03-11 1. Chinese people are crazy about crawfish. 中国人酷爱吃小龙虾。 2. Im a big fan of crawfish. 小龙虾是我的最爱! 3. Would you like to have some crawfish today? 今天你想来点儿小龙虾么? 4. 蒜香小龙虾:garlic crawfish 5. 麻辣小龙虾:spicy crawfish 6....

  • 中国第一只克隆猫“大蒜”诞生

    19-08-21 A company in Beijing announced on Monday that it had successfully bred Chinas first cloned cat, reports China Science and Technology Daily. 北京某公司周一宣布,该公司成功培育出国内第一只克隆猫。 The kitten named Garlic was born on July 21 in a labor...

  • 男性吃大蒜 汗味对女性更具吸引力

    15-11-18 Scientists found the sweat of men who had eaten the bulb smelt more attractive to women. 科学家发现,吃了大蒜的男性汗味对女性更具吸引力。 The researchers suggested that women may have evolved to prefer the type of smell that eating garlic - which is...

  • 大蒜能减少婴儿配方奶粉中的污染物

    13-11-26 Garlic may be bad for your breath, but it's good for your baby, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia. The study, recently published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, is the first to identify two compounds derived...

  • 史前欧洲人喜欢辛辣食物

    13-08-22 Europeans had a taste for spicy food at least 6,000 years ago, it seems. 6000多年前欧洲人似乎就已喜欢辛辣食物。 Researchers found evidence for garlic mustard in the residues left on ancient pottery shards(陶瓷碎片) discovered in what is now Denmar...

  • 凉菜类英文译名4

    13-07-18 泡椒凤爪 Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 泡椒鸭翅 Duck Wings with Pickled Peppers 泡椒鸭丝 Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers 盆盆肉 Lamb Stew 皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Eggs 巧拌海茸 Mixed Seaweed 青椒花生米 Deep-Fried Peanuts with Green Pepper...

  • 西班牙式烤虾

    12-12-23 Raw king prawns 300g, peeled and de-veined Garlic 2 cloves, thinly sliced Dried chilli flakes a large pinch Olive oil 2 tbsp Parsley leaves a small handful, chopped Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Divide the prawns, garlic, chilli, sherry and...

  • 英研究:牲畜吃蒜减少打嗝可抑制全球变暖

    09-12-20 Feeding garlic and oats to belching cows could be the answer to slash global warming. 给母牛喂食大蒜和燕麦可以减少其打嗝,这或许会成为抑制全球变暖的一个新途径。 Feeding cows garlic could get them to emit significantly less methane. Welsh farmers wil...
