• 马拉维一对被捕的男同性恋者被拒绝保释

    10-01-05 A Malawian judge has rejected a bail application by two gay men charged with public indecency after getting engaged. 一位马拉维法官拒绝了一对男同性恋者的保释申请,据悉此二人订婚后因为公开猥亵罪而遭指控。 Steven Monjeza (L) and Tiwonge Chimbalanga (R...

  • 两名阿根廷同性恋男子完婚

    09-12-29 Two Argentine men have become the first gay couple in Latin America to marry. 两名阿根廷男子成为拉美第一对结婚的同性恋者。 The couple were married at a registry office in Ushuaia Alejandro Freyre, 39, and Jose Maria Di Bello, 41, tied the knot结婚 i...

  • 大理“同志”酒吧开业 志在防艾

    09-12-05 今天是第22个世界艾滋病防治日,对于大理的男同性恋者来说更是个特别的日子,因为大理第一家同性恋酒吧今天正式开业。这家酒吧是由大理市卫生局出资12万元、由十几位防艾志愿者共同经营的。酒吧为男同志们免费发放安全套,并对他们进行性教育和同伴教育。中国新近感染...

  • Protesters demand US gay rights 美国同性恋者要求给予更多公民

    09-10-12 Thousands of people have marched through Washington to demand greater civil rights for gay men and lesbians. 华盛顿成千上万的人举行游行,要求给予男女同性恋者更多的公民权。 The protest took place a day after President Barack Obama said he would repea...

  • Obama to vow gay rights support 奥巴马宣布对同性恋者权利表示

    09-10-11 US President Barack Obama is set to make a key speech to America's largest gay group - the Human Rights Campaign. 美国总统奥巴马将要向美国最大的同性恋团体--人权运动组织--做一场重要的演讲。 Mr Obama has been criticised for not acting on gay rights is...

  • PM apology after Turing petition 英首相为Turing昭雪

    09-09-11 Gordon Brown has said he was sorry for the appalling way World War II code breaker Alan Turing was treated for being gay. 戈登布朗称,他对二战期间密码破译专家Alan Turing被认为是同性恋这件令人震惊的事情感到遗憾。 Alan Turing is said to be the founder...

  • Gay Israelis rally after shooting 枪击案发生后,以色列同性恋

    09-08-03 Hundreds of Israelis have joined a rally organised by the gay community after shootings at a gay youth centre. 数百以色列人加入到同性恋协会组织的集会中,此前一个同性恋中心曾遭遇枪击。 Hundreds of Israelis have joined a rally organised by the gay com...

  • Gunman attacks Israeli gay centre 持枪人员袭击了以色列同性恋

    09-08-02 A lone gunman has killed two people and wounded at least 10 at a gay support centre in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before escaping. 一名单身持枪人员在以色列城市特拉维夫某同性恋中心杀死两人并造成至少10人受伤。 Most of the victims were gay teenagers,...

  • Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe loves people thinking he'

    09-07-29 《哈利波特》系列影片主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫表示听到人们猜他是同性恋,他感觉很棒。本月刚满20岁的丹尼尔说,让人们对自己的性取向产生好奇心不是什么坏事,并表示会让朋友上同性恋网站查看与自己有关的内容。丹尼尔表示自己身边一直都有同性恋朋友,这也可能是他平时...

  • Alarming Africa male gay HIV rate 非洲男同性恋艾滋病感染率惊

    09-07-20 HIV rates among gay men in some African countries are 10 times higher than among the general male population, says research in medical journal the Lancet. 医学杂志the Lancet调查称,非洲某些国家男同性恋者的艾滋病感染率是平常男性的10倍。 The reports s...