• 控制基因活动的化学标记

    14-09-24 Biochemists working at the University of California, San Diego, have developed a program that predicts the placement of chemical marks that control the activity of genes based on sequences of DNA. They describe their analysis and report results from...

  • 大豆补充剂改变乳腺癌相关基因的表达方式

    14-09-06 Soy supplementation alters expression of genes associated with breast cancer, raising concerns that soy could have adverse effects in breast cancer, according to a new study published September 4 in the JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute...

  • 可能导致精神分裂症的80个基因

    14-07-22 Scientists have uncovered 80 previously unknown genes which may put people at risk of developing schizophrenia, research in Nature suggests. 《自然》杂志的研究显示,科学家发现了80个以前未知的基因,这些基因有可能使人们患上精神分裂症。 The team says t...

  • 黑猩猩的智力主要取决于基因

    14-07-14 A chimpanzee's intelligence is largely determined by its genes, while environmental factors may be less important than scientists previously thought, according to a Georgia State University research study. The study found that some, but not all, cog...

  • 影响数学与阅读能力的基因相同

    14-07-09 The same genes drive maths and reading ability, research suggests. 研究发现,影响数学与阅读能力的基因是相同的。 Around half of the genes that influence a child's aptitude for reading also play a role in how easily they learn maths, say scientists. T...

  • 癌症的存在与多细胞生命一样古老

    14-06-25 Every year around 450,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with cancer. Each one of them dreams of a victory in the battle against it. But can cancer ever be completely defeated? Researchers at Kiel University (CAU) have now reached a sobering(清醒...

  • 夜食综合征确实存在

    14-05-23 People woken at night by insatiable hunger may have their genes to blame, research suggests. 研究发现,半夜因饥饿醒过来的人可能要怪他们的基因了。 Night-eating syndrome may appear when the genes that synchronise eating patterns with sleep are faulty,...

  • 抗生素抗性基因本质上处处存在

    14-05-10 The largest metagenomic(元基因组的) search for antibiotic resistance genes in the DNA sequences of microbial communities from around the globe has found that bacteria carrying those vexing(令人烦恼的) genes turn up everywhere in nature that scie...

  • 北极熊对高脂肪食物的适应力值得研究

    14-05-09 A comparison of the genomes of polar bears and brown bears reveals that the polar bear is a much younger species than previously believed, having diverged from brown bears less than 500,000 years ago. The analysis also uncovered several genes that m...

  • 植物化学的基因分析

    14-05-02 Plants spend their entire lifetime rooted to one spot. When faced with a bad situation, such as a swarm of hungry herbivores(食草动物) or a viral(滤过性毒菌的) outbreak, they have no option to flee but instead must fight to survive. What is the...