• 离死亡不远的老人都有哪些感受

    21-09-06 I think a better question would be when is one old? I just turned 70, look 55, feel 30, and have no aches, pains, illnesses or physical problems of any kind. So while 70 sounds old to a 20-year-old, I cannot think of myself that way. 我觉得问题换成...

  • t is in someone's genes 某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似

    21-09-03 我们用短语 it is in someones genes 来形容某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似。 例句 I love motor racing. The love of speed is in my genes. My father was an ambulance driver. Ann is very ambitious. She cant help it, its in her genes. Her parents arriv...

  • 总发困?怨父母!

    21-03-09 Whether you prefer burning the midnight oil or going to bed early so you can get up at the crack of dawn depends on your genes, according to experts. I leap out of bed each morning, keen to start an active day. But I can hear my neighbours alarm clo...

  • DNA测试准吗?

    20-09-22 Have you ever wondered why your brother or sister doesnt look exactly like you despite having the same family tree? If you think thats odd, even stranger is the idea that you and your sibling may have very different ancestry genes. You have the same...

  • 恋爱能帮我们抗击风寒和流感病毒

    19-02-22 Valentines Day is over, but that doesnt mean you have to give up on love. There are numerous benefits to showing affection, and according to a new study, those include warding off colds. 情人节过去了,但这不意味着你就要放弃爱情。新研究发现,恋爱有很...

  • 小麦基因组图谱绘制完成

    18-08-17 An international team has produced the most comprehensive genome map of wheat. 一个国际研究小组公布了最全面的小麦基因组。 The study published on Thursday in the journal Science presented the reference genome of the bread wheat variety Chinese Spring...

  • 动物的衰老过程有可能逆转

    16-12-28 An end to grey hair and crows-feet could be just 10 years away after scientists showed it is possible to reverse ageing in animals. 科学家发现,动物的衰老过程有可能逆转。从此以后,可能仅需10年,人类就可以告别白发丛生,满脸皱纹的命运。 Using a new te...

  • 科学家发现修复受损基因的方法

    16-12-04 Scientists have discovered how to edit DNA to repair broken genes to cure incurable diseases - and potentially extend human lifespan. 科学家已经发现如何通过编辑DNA来修复受损基因,从而治愈绝症并有可能延长人类寿命。 Until now, it has not been possible...

  • 玉米秸秆内有种类丰富的蛋白质

    16-06-27 The genome of the corn plant - or maize, as its called almost everywhere except the US - is a lot more exciting than scientists have previously believed. So says the lead scientist in a new effort to analyze and annotate the depth of the plants gene...

  • 致病菌之间的基因转移

    16-04-21 Bacteria possess the ability to take up DNA from their environment, a skill that enables them to acquire new genes for antibiotic resistance or to escape the immune response. Scientists have now mapped the core set of genes that are consistently con...