• 礼尚往来

    20-11-16 礼尚往来的意思是礼注重相互往来和互惠,可以翻译为etiquette requires reciprocity and mutual benefit。 礼即礼制;尚即崇尚、注重。有时也表示用对方对待自己的态度和方式去对待对方(one should treat the other party in the way the other party treats you),...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 10

    20-11-11 POLLYS happiest day was Sunday, for Will never failed to spend it with her. Instead of sleeping later than usual that morning, she was always up bright and early, flying round to get ready for her guest, for Will came to breakfast, and they made a l...

  • 聪明人的十大标志

    20-10-29 1. They dont talk as much as you, because they know they got smart by listening. 他们不会说太多,因为他们知道多倾听才能变聪明。 2. They know lots of things other than what theyre specialized in. Theirs is the gift of a broad mind, constantly fed wit...

  • 你真是个天才!

    20-10-19 1. Youre a natural. 你真是无师自通。 虽然natural常做形容词使用,意思是自然的;正常的,但在这里,它是名词,指天生就具备某种才能的人。 2. Youve got a gift for it. 你有做这事的天赋。 名词gift除了有礼物的意思之外,还可以用来描述一个人做事的才能或天赋。...

  • 能说会道

    20-10-18 1. Talkative 爱说话的,健谈的,英文都可以用这个词来形容。 Their little boy is very talkative. 他们的小男孩非常健谈。 2. Chatterbox是个非正式用语,指特别爱说话的人,可以翻译为话痨。 Your sisters a real chatterbox! 你妹妹可真是个话痨。 3. The gift of...

  • 这是送给你的礼物。

    20-10-18 1. Heres a little something for you.这是我的一点心意。 搭配a little something的意思是小礼物。 2. Ive got you a present.我给你准备了一份礼物。 名词present除了有现在、当前的意思以外,还可以表示礼物、赠品。 你也可以说:Ive got a present for you.。 3. L...

  • gift与present两者之间有什么区别

    17-12-18 The words gift and present are well-matched synonyms that mean essentially the same thing, but even well-matched synonyms have their own connotations and distinctive patterns of use. 在如今,gift和present是近义词,本质上表达的都是同一个东西,但是即...

  • The thrill is gone 真扫兴

    16-06-04 About two weeks before our fifth anniversary, my husband ased me what I would like for a gift. I told him I wanted something impractical and romantic. On our anniversary, he presented me with a lovely gold bracelet. A little four-letter word made me...

  • gift parasite 礼物寄生族

    16-05-30 Gift parasite refers to someone who doesnt contribute anything in preparing the gift but wants to add his/her name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift. They are doing this either because they are broke or because they...

  • First Words

    16-04-05 First Words Phillip B. Williams A storm and so a gift. Its swift approach lifts gravel from the road. A fence is flattened in the course of the storms worse attempt at language -- thunders umbrage. A tree is torn apart, blown upward through a bedroo...