• 为什么新割的草那么好闻

    20-09-19 If you grew up in the suburbs, you recognize it immediately: the sweet, sharp smell of someone mowing a lawn or ballfield. As it wafts into your nostrils, it somehow manages to smell exactly like the color green. But what are we really smelling when...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 4

    20-09-16 Mrs Jo often thought that Dan had Indian blood in him, not only because of his love of a wild, wandering life, but his appearance; for as he grew up, this became more striking. At twenty-five he was very tall, with sinewy limbs, a keen, dark face, a...

  • Grass Skyline 草原天路

    16-05-31 The tourism bureau in Zhangbei county, Hebei province, said on Tuesday that the 50 yuan ($7.70) per-person charge introduced on May 1 is both reasonable and lawful. 河北省张北县旅游局周二(5月10日)表示,5月1日起实施的每人次50元的门票收费合理合法。...

  • 复活节常用词

    16-02-04 basket 篮子 egg 蛋 chocolate 巧克力 handle 手把 fake grass 人造草 dye 染料 marshmallows 棉花软糖 paint 油漆 bunny 兔子 paint brush 油漆刷 whiskers 胡须 plastics egg 塑料蛋 jelly beans 豆型软糖 ears 耳朵 paws 爪子...

  • 园艺常用词

    16-02-04 shed 小屋 shrubs 灌木丛 plant pots 花盆 cuttings 插条 rake 耙 hoe 锄 spade 铲 seeds 种子 lawn mower 割草机 bulbs 鳞茎 shears 大剪刀 hose 软管 compost heap 堆肥堆 sprinkler 洒水器 fertilizer 肥料 grass cuttings 碎草屑 dung 粪 weeds 杂草...

  • Legal Misunderstandings

    15-03-02 One afternoon, a wealthy lawyer was riding in the back of his limousine when he saw two men eating grass by the road side. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. Why are you eating grass? he asked one man. We don't have any mon...

  • 全球最糟糕工作盘点

    14-07-20 Fancy being an armpit sniffer, Mosquito bite victim, sewer diver or marine snot collector? No? We didn't think so 你是不是经常抱怨自己的工作无聊?不过且慢,如果你知道世界上有哪些工作最差,你可能会感激上苍。英国《镜报》就为我们盘点了一番全球最糟糕工...

  • Always Something

    14-06-23 Always Something Peter Fallon There's always something -- a trail of bindweed(旋花类植物) trumpeting September the length of field wall and worn fences; that clamp of silage(青贮) an ember(灰烬,余烬) on the left as you leave here, smouldering...

  • The Fowler and the Adder

    14-03-10 A fowler went into the woods to shoot a ringdove(斑鸠) with his bow and arrow, when an adder(蝰蛇) that he had trodden upon in the grass, urned and stung him. As the poison spread, and the fowler realized that he was dying, he said: That is true...

  • The Knapsack, the Hat and the Horn

    13-11-25 There were once three brothers who had fallen deeper and deeper into poverty, and at last their need was so great that they had to endure hunger, and had nothing to eat or drink. Then said they, We cannot go on thus, we had better go into the world...