• 10个意想不到的英文表达 上

    22-04-08 01 thing 这个词在我们脑海中的第一印象是:东西、事物;但你可能不知道,在美式英文中,该词还能这样用: ① I notice he has a thing for you. 我留意到他似乎对你有意思。 *这里的thing表示喜欢一个人的那种东西。 ② Being funny is Chandlers thing and Rosss thi...

  • gut

    22-01-25 从生理学上看,gut表示人体内的肠子。 但在英文口语中,这个词至少有两种用法,一是代表直觉;二是代表勇气或者胆量。 ①When you lose your head, just follow your gut. 当你手足无措之时,请跟随你的直觉。 ②-He is such a bastard, and I just want to give him a...

  • 动物园猴子的肠道细菌与人类类似

    16-09-01 A new study led by the University of Minnesota shows that monkeys in captivity lose much of their native gut bacteria diversity and their gut bacteria ends up resembling those of humans. The results suggest that switching to a low-fiber, Western die...

  • 早产儿的肠道细菌有广泛的抗生素耐药性

    16-03-08 A new study of gut bacteria in premature infants reveals the vast scope of the problem of antibiotic resistance and gives new insight into the extreme vulnerability of these young patients, according to researchers at Washington University School of...

  • 咖啡果小蠹如何抵挡剧毒浓度的咖啡因

    15-07-16 The coffee berry borer is the most devastating coffee pest in the world. The tiny beetle is found in most regions where coffee is cultivated, and a big outbreak can slash crop yield by 80 percent. It's also a caffeine fiend. The insect is the only c...

  • 肠道细菌可能是代谢健康的关键因素

    15-06-23 The gut microbe Akkermansia muciniphila may hold the key to better metabolic health and healthier body fat distribution in people who are overweight or obese, reveals a small study published online in the journal Gut. The microbe seems to be linked...

  • 大便时不应坐着而应蹲着

    15-05-22 Giulia Enders, a German microbiologist, claims that people in Western countries are emptying their bowels in totally the wrong way - and instead of sitting on the loo, we should be squatting. 德国微生物学家茱莉亚恩德斯称,西方国家的人们大便的方式完...