• 2015中国一万多台电脑被黑客攻击

    16-02-14 A cyber security firm says more than 10-thousand computers in China were attacked by domestic and overseas hackers between December 2014 and November 2015. 某家网络安全公司表示,2014年12月至2015年12月期间,中国有10000多台电脑被国内外的黑客攻击。 The...

  • 色情片浏览记录可能被公之于众

    15-07-03 Brett Thomas, a San Francisco-based software engineer, has written in a post on his blog that if you've watched porn online in 2015, even in Incognito mode, then brace yourself because you should expect that at some point your porn viewing history w...

  • white hat hackers 白帽黑客

    15-06-25 The majority of Chinese white hat hackers are young people born in the 1990s, according to China's first report on the subject. 据中国首份《白帽黑客调查报告》显示,90后的年轻人成为中国白帽黑客的主力军。 白帽黑客也就是业界所称的白帽子,可以用英文whit...

  • 詹妮弗·劳伦斯首次就艳照被窃事件表态

    14-10-21 Jennifer Lawrence is making no apologies about keeping naked pictures of herself on her computer. 詹妮弗劳伦斯首次就艳照被窃事件表态,她表示,这不是丑闻,而是性犯罪。 But the 24-year-old actress is hitting back at the hackers who stole the provocati...

  • 某些Android机很容易被黑客攻击

    11-12-01 New research from North Carolina State University shows that some smartphones specifically designed to support the Android mobile platform have incorporated additional features that can be used by hackers to bypass(绕开,忽视) Android's security f...

  • 黑客盯上好莱坞明星

    11-09-10 They are notorious for targeting politicians, government agencies and multinationals. But an off-shoot of hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to new prey - celebrities. 他们一向的攻击目标都是政客、政府机构和跨国公司。但是现在匿名者黑客...

  • 美国国家安全局招募黑客

    11-08-08 The National Security Agency has a challenge for hackers who think they're hot stuff: prove it by working on the hardest problems on Earth. 那些觉得自己是香饽饽的黑客们,现在美国国家安全局有一个挑战性任务给你们了。想要证明自己的实力,就来攻克这些地...

  • 美国参议院网站遭黑客入侵

    11-06-14 US officials said they have ordered a security review after hackers managed to break into the Senate website at the weekend. 美国参议院的网站在上周末遭黑客入侵,相关官员已下令对此进行安全审评。 An official said the incident had been inconvenient, bu...

  • 美国FBI线人多为黑客

    11-06-11 英国《卫报》调查显示,美国电脑黑客地下组织已被联邦调查局(FBI)和特勤局大范围渗透,预计已有四分之一的黑客成为FBI的线人,黑客之间的相互猜疑和不信任与日俱增。 The underground world of computer hackers has been so thoroughly infiltrated(渗透) in the...

  • 黑客团体发动攻击 支持维基解密

    10-12-12 本周三,万事达卡、visa信用卡、瑞士银行以及前美国副总统候选人佩林等组织和个人的网站遭到黑客攻击,一个叫做匿名的黑客志愿者团体声称对此次行动负责,并表示受到攻击的组织和个人都曾经有过对维基解密网站及其创始人阿桑奇不利的行为和言论。 Hackers rushed to th...