• do one's very best 卖力

    22-03-23 卖力,或卖力气,字面意思是sell ones strength,形容一个人尽力地付出自己的劳动(exert all ones strength),可以翻译为do ones very best或exert oneself to the utmost。 例句: 他可能有点慢,但却是个肯卖力气的人。 He may be slow, but he always does his be...

  • 《后来的我们》10句精彩台词

    22-03-11 1. 后来的我们什么都有了,却没有了我们! We later had everything except each other. 2. 我最大的遗憾就是你的遗憾与我有关。 My biggest regret is that your regret has something to do with me. 3. 林见清:我已经努力变成你想要的样子了。 I have tried so har...

  • hard time 艰难的日子

    22-01-25 hard time形容艰难的日子,give sb a hard time就是使(某人)日子不好过。 My mother gave me a really hard time (= was angry with me) about staying out late. 我母亲对我在外面呆到很晚感到很生气。...

  • between a rock and a hard place 左右为难

    21-12-24 当你身处于岩石与硬壁之间 between a rock and a hard place, 那么你面对棘手问题,让你左右为难或进退两难。 例句 Bill couldnt make up his mind what to do. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. The interview candidates were all so good that Jenny...

  • eat sb's lunch 打败某人

    21-08-11 eat sbs lunch字面意思是吃了某人的午饭,实际上是表达打败某人(to be much more successful than someone)。 例句: Unless were careful, foreign competitors will eat our lunch. 如果我们不小心谨慎,外国的对手会打败我们。 Ive been practicing really hard b...

  • hard和hardly

    21-05-20 虽然 hard 和 hardly 从拼写上看只差两个字母,但它们的意思和用法却大相径庭。其中,hard 作形容词时的主要意思包括 坚硬的、困难的 和 辛苦的,作副词时可以表示 努力地;hardly 是副词,表示 几乎不。 用法总结 1 形容词 hard 最常见的含义有 坚硬的、困难的 和 辛...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 5

    21-01-24 BEFORE she had time to find a new situation, Christie received a note from Miss Tudor, saying that hearing she had left Mrs. Saltonstall she wanted to offer her the place of companion to an invalid girl, where the duties were light and the compensat...

  • be a hard act to follow 很难超越,无法媲美

    20-11-18 人们用表达 be a hard act to follow 来形容一个人在某件事情上树立了一个很好的榜样,而其他人很难保持或达到同样的标准。你既可以用这个表达来形容某人的一次具体表现让人相形见绌,也可以用它来泛指 某人非常成功,让后来者望尘莫及。 例句 Its such a pity that Fa...

  • 我太难了。 My life is so hard.

    20-10-19 我太难了一般不用Im so difficult./Im so hard.来表达,而是用My life is so hard/difficult. 此外,虽然hard和difficult都可以表示困难的、艰难的,但它俩也是有区别的。 hard question/decision/test. hard:习惯用来指体力和精神方面所感受到的困难与艰苦,程度没有...

  • Hang In There 永不低头

    12-07-23 Difficultiesarise in the lives of us all, 生活中困难在所难免, What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. 最重要的是要挺过艰难的...