• 芭比推出首款戴助听器的娃娃

    22-11-25 This new Barbie doll with hearing aids is part of toy manufacturer Mattels drive to make the dolls more inclusive. 这款戴助听器的新芭比娃娃是玩具制造商美泰公司推动其产品更具包容性计划的一部分。 British actor Rose Ayling-Ellis, who has been deaf sinc...

  • 高分贝噪音的危险

    22-05-18 你常去听演唱会吗?你喜欢戴耳机听歌吗?优美的旋律能放松心情,但如果音量太高,就可能会损坏听力。 Many of us love live music listening to the singer belting out classics we love to sing along to. But while it can be lots of fun nodding our heads to the...

  • 2050年全球将有1/4的人听力受损

    21-03-05 3月3日是国际爱耳日,世界卫生组织新发布的报告显示,到2050年全球将有四分之一的人听力受损。听力健康,是时候该引起重视了。 Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the Worl...

  • 鲸鱼的超声听觉有古老的历史

    16-08-08 All living toothed whales rely upon echoes of their own calls to navigate and hunt underwater, a skill that works best in conjunction with high-frequency hearing. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 4 who s...

  • How's Your Hearing!!!

    16-07-13 Bubba goes to the revival and listens to the preacher. After a while, the preacher asks anyone with needs to come forward and be prayed over. Bubba gets in line. When its his turn the preacher says, Bubba, what you want me to pray about? Bubba says,...

  • 助听设备或将面临重大升级

    13-11-19 Computer engineers and hearing scientists at The Ohio State University have made a potential breakthrough in solving a 50-year-old problem in hearing technology: how to help the hearing-impaired understand speech in the midst of background noise. In...