• 《王牌特工2:黄金圈》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. The only downside is having to live in the middle of nowhere. 美中不足的是只能住在这荒郊僻壤之地。 2. But I digress. 我扯远了。 3. Not to toot my own horn, I just think its really important for new recruits to understand the history of The Golden...

  • upset 爆冷

    22-11-26 爆冷,体育竞技词汇,表示出现出人意料的结果。在英语新闻中,通常使用upset表示相近意思。 例句: 上周六,中国队在他们的B组首场比赛中爆冷打败沙特队。 China upset Saudi Arabia 1-0 in their Group B opening match on Saturday. 11月22日,沙特阿拉伯队以2-1击败...

  • 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法(1)

    22-10-26 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法 THE BASIC LAW OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 序 言 Preamble 香港自古以来就是中国的领土,一八四零年鸦片战争以后被英国占领。 Hong Kong has been part of the territory o...

  • Bill Clinton点燃世界 1

    22-04-15 You are graduating in the most interdependent age in human history. 你们都将毕业于人类史上最相互依赖的时代。 Interdependent with each other, within your community, your state, your nation and the world. 你所在的社区、州、国家甚至全球范围内,大家都是...

  • 2021年度全国十大考古新发现 下

    22-04-02 Zhengjiahu Cemetery, Hubei Province 湖北云梦郑家湖墓地 A wooden script with 700 characters was unearthed from Zhengjiahu Cemetery in Hubei Province in November, providing precious materials for studying the history of that period. 2021年11月,湖北云...