• iceberg homes 冰山宅

    15-05-13 Iceberg homes are houses with big, hidden basements that may be significantly larger than the house that appears on the surface. These basements can be as many as four storeys deep huge subterranean bunkers often containing luxury add-ons such as sw...

  • 加州艺术家40美元打造蜗居

    15-03-22 An Oakland artist is ingeniously battling homelessness in Oakland, California: he builds small houses out of materials he can find in the streets, with each edifice costing around forty bucks. 在加州奥克兰,一位当地的艺术家巧妙地解决人们无家可归的问...

  • 美国五月房产交易创近六年新高

    14-06-25 Sales of new US homes surged to a six-year high in May suggesting the housing market is beginning to recover from its recent slowdown. 五月份美国新住宅销售量创下近六年以来最高点,暗示着房产市场正在从最近的低迷中开始恢复。 Sales increased by 18.6% to...

  • 2013年全球难民总数二战以来最高

    14-06-20 The number of people forced to flee their homes because of war or persecution exceeded 50 million in 2013, the UN refugee agency says. 联合国难民署称,2013年因为战争或者迫害而被迫离家的人超过五千万。 The overall figure of 51.2 million is six million...

  • 英国最便宜房屋仅售1英镑

    13-02-25 THESE are Britain's cheapest homes set to go on sale for just a POUND. 英国最便宜房屋即将出售,仅卖1英镑。 Small change ... houses in Liverpool are being sold to residents for £1 The Victorian terraced houses(台阶式房屋) were originally bought fo...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会向房主们伸出援手

    12-11-02 Hi, everybody. In recent weeks, you might have noticed something. Or maybe even heard the sound of it if you live close enough. New homes are going up. In fact, construction workers are breaking ground on new homes in America at the fastest pace in...

  • 1/3英国父母感觉家中拥挤

    12-02-04 Nearly a third of parents say they feel squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property, a report reveals today. 今日的一份报告显示,英国近三分之一的父母称他们感觉家中拥挤,但是没钱搬迁到更大的房子。 Twenty-nine percent say...

  • 英国房产大亨打包出售25万处房产

    12-02-04 The largest portfolio of homes in the UK is up for sale, and could be yours for just 3 billion. 英国最大的一单房产打包出售正在上演,总价30亿英镑。 Iranian-born tycoon Vincent Tchenguiz is looking to sell the freehold(不动产所有权) for 250,000 prop...

  • 2/3英国人放弃买房

    11-06-04 Two in three people have given up their dream of owning a home, research shows. 调查显示,三分之二的英国人已经放弃买房梦想。 High prices, a shortage of homes and a mortgage(抵押) drought are being blamed for driving a change in expectations. The c...

  • 英国人越来越喜欢在家里与客人娱乐

    10-04-24 Britons are increasingly entertaining guests at home with dinner, film and karaoke nights, inspired by television shows on cookery and home entertainment, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,受电视烹饪节目和家庭娱乐节目的影响,如今英国人越来越喜欢...