• the Spring Festival Eve meal 年夜饭

    23-01-31 年夜饭,又称团圆饭,特指年尾除夕(春节前一天)的阖家聚餐。在外工作的人都会在除夕来临之前回老家和家人团聚。可以翻译为the Spring Festival Eve meal。 例句: 酒店经理说,他们提供了15桌年夜饭,大部分已经预订了。 The hotel manager said they offered 15 tab...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 19

    22-09-14 In case you dont live in New York, the Wicker Bar is in this sort of swanky hotel, the Seton Hotel. I used to go there quite a lot, but I dont any more. I gradually cut it out. Its one of those places that are supposed to be very sophisticated and a...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 13

    22-09-14 I walked all the way back to the hotel. Forty-one gorgeous blocks. I didnt do it because I felt like walking or anything. It was more because I didnt feel like getting in and out of another taxicab. Sometimes you get tired of riding in taxicabs the...

  • incomparable 无与伦比

    22-07-08 无与伦比,汉语成语,意思是事物非常完美,没有能够与它相比的同类的东西。可以翻译为incomparable,matchless,unique或unparalleled等。 例句: 那部电影众人瞩目,在电影史上无与伦比。 The film demands attention and has no equal in cinema history. 萨伏伊酒店...

  • 东京一家酒店推出“灯笼聚餐”服务

    21-10-26 日本东京决定从10月25日起全面解封,不再限制餐饮业营业时间,但预计口罩生活还将持续一段时间。由于很多人厌倦戴着口罩聚餐,东京一家酒店突发奇想,推出灯笼聚餐服务。 据日本媒体报道,这家酒店将向有需要的客人提供一个悬挂在天花板上的大灯笼,客人可在这个灯笼内...

  • 昨晚我看到了真爱

    21-10-24 Despite the clich title, 尽管这是一个烂俗的标题 I truly witnessed a love that brought me to tears 但我确实亲眼见证了一段感情,让我热泪盈眶 when I got home from work last night. 那是昨天晚上,下班回家的时候 I work as a waiter at a hotel. 我在一家酒店...