• 男女房客旅馆惯常行为大曝光

    12-10-27 Male hotel guests watch adult TV channels as soon as they arrive in their room while women check out the shampoo and conditioner on offer, according to new research. 新研究显示,男房客一进旅馆房间就开始看成人电视台,女人则会先查看旅馆供应的洗发水和...

  • Very stupid robbers 两个笨贼

    12-06-12 Two robbers were robbing a hotel. The first robber said, I hear sirens. Jump! The second one said, But we're on the 13 th floor! The first one screamed back, This is no time to be superstitious(迷信的) ! 两个盗贼在一家旅馆偷东西。第一个说:我听到...

  • 荷兰企业家创办离婚旅馆

    12-06-03 A Dutch entrepreneur has offered couples the chance of a weekend away with a difference - by staying in a hotel where he will help them finalise their divorce. 一位荷兰企业家为夫妇们提供了一个不一样的周末度假方式通过让他们住进一家旅馆来帮助他们成功...

  • Fat Man and Thin Man 饥荒可能是你造成的

    12-02-03 A very thin man met a very fat man in the hotel lobby. From your looks, said the fat man, there might have been a famine. Yes, was the reply, and from your looks, you might have caused it. 在旅馆大厅里,一个非常瘦的人遇到了一个非常胖的人。 胖子说:...

  • The Realm Of The Unreal 2

    12-01-11 Of one thing I am distinctly conscious: the man's presence at my side was strangely distasteful and disquieting -- so much so that when I at last pulled up under the lights of the Putnam House I experienced a sense of having escaped some spiritual p...

  • 美国万豪酒店十年住客正式退房

    11-11-05 美国弗吉尼亚州一位老妇在万豪酒店旗下一处套房酒店居住十年后于上周正式退房,成为该酒店历史上居住时间最久的住客。 Last week, 79-year-old Joy Bricker checked out of the TownePlace Suites in Virginia. Last week, 79-year-old Joy Bricker checked out of the...

  • 《捉刀手》三

    11-10-06 精彩对白 Ghost Writer: Hello? Amelia: You need to check out of the hotel immediately. Things have changed. A car is on its way. See you then. Ghost Writer: Hello? Woman:Just check on that. Okay? Reporter: It's getting big, huh? Ghost Writer: So l s...

  • 日本丧葬市场异常繁荣

    11-09-17 Across from a noodle shop in a Yokohama suburb, Hisayoshi Teramura's inn looks much like any other small lodging that dots the port city. Occasionally, it's even mistaken for a love hotel by couples hankering for some time beneath the sheets. 横滨郊...

  • IMF前理事卡恩的性侵犯指控被解除

    11-08-24 A New York judge has dismissed the sexual assault case against former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn. 纽约一位法官解除了国际货币基金组织前执行理事史特劳斯卡恩的性侵犯指控。 The move came as prosecutors cited doubts over the credibility of his a...

  • 皇冠假日酒店推出防鼾声客房

    11-07-25 Guests at an international hotel chain may sleep more soundly after the introduction of snore patrols and snore absorption rooms at a number of sites worldwide. 皇冠假日国际连锁酒店在全球多家分店引入了鼾声监督员和鼾声吸纳客房,入住的顾客能睡得更香。...