• excellent 对某事十分满意

    22-06-13 excellent used for showing that you are very pleased about something 口语用法,表达你对某事十分满意。 例句: - We should be finished in a few hours. 再有几个小时我们就完工了。 - Excellent! 太好啦!...

  • 中年人每周工作25小时表现最佳

    16-05-02 A three-day-week gets the best performance from workers aged over 40, a study has found. 一项研究发现,40岁以上的人如果每周上三天班,工作表现最佳。 Researchers found the cognitive performance of middle-aged people improved as the working week increa...

  • fares in non-rush hours 低峰优惠票价

    16-03-07 Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in non-rush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday. 北京市地铁运营公司22日发布消息称,地铁低峰优惠票价将于今年年底在本市开展试点。 其实低峰时段,就是指高峰时段(rus...

  • banker's hours 安逸舒适的工作

    13-03-19 Banker是银行家。三十多年前银行开门营业的时间特别短,从早上十点到下午两、三点就结束了,所以银行家的上班时间每天只有四、五个小时,于是人们就开始流行用banker's hours这个说法来特指安逸舒适的工作了。如今的银行为了在激烈的竞争中生存,也不得不延长每天的营...

  • 减少坐时可延年益寿

    12-07-10 Limiting the time we spend sitting to just three hours a day could add an extra two years to our life expectancy, scientists calculate. 科学家计算出,将每天坐着的时间控制在三小时,便可延长两年的寿命。 Similarly, if we cut daily TV viewing down to tw...
