• Elm Street

    16-01-13 Elm Street Suzanne Cleary I am so happy to see the man who lives in the house on the corner sit on the porch with a guitar on his knee, one arm draped loosely, as if he patiently scans a vast repertoire, choosing which song to play, or as if he has...

  • Spring's Here -- Finally

    16-01-13 The waterfall behind our house at the lower end of Lake Edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter. It's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today, when the cymbal will crash and the earth will arrive at...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 6

    16-01-06 The month's trial over, Oliver was formally apprenticed. It was a nice sickly season just at this time. In commercial phrase, coffins were looking up; and, in the course of a few weeks, Oliver acquired a great deal of experience. The success of Mr....

  • 屠呦呦童年住宅被列入历史遗迹

    15-12-10 The childhood home of Chinese Nobel laureate for medicine Tu Youyou has been listed as a historical site in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. 中国诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦童年时期在浙江宁波的住宅被列入历史遗迹。 Tu, 85, lived at the house until she went to a univ...

  • laneway house 巷屋

    15-11-18 Laneway house is a house that opens onto a back or side lane, particularly on a lot that has an existing dwelling. 巷屋是在向后巷或边道开门的房屋,尤指靠在现有住宅旁所在位置的房屋。 For example: Their two-bedroom, 1,050-square-foot laneway house is...

  • 剑桥公爵夫妇乡间府邸设禁飞区

    15-10-17 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been given permission to enforce a no-fly zone over their new country mansion in a bid to stop photographs being taken of the distinctive red-brick house. 剑桥公爵夫妇已获准在他们新的乡间府邸上空设立禁飞区,以...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 7

    15-10-13 Elizabeth lay on the sofa in the Lackersteen's drawing-room, with her feet up and a cushion behind her head, reading Michael Arlen's These Charming People. In a general way Michael Arlen was her favourite author, but she was inclined to prefer Willi...

  • “唐顿庄园效应”庄园周边房价上涨

    15-09-25 A study claims the 'Downton Abbey effect' means that buyers are willing to pay a premium to live close to some of Britain's grandest estates. 一项研究称,这种唐顿庄园效应意味着买家愿意花更多钱,只为住得离英国一些名门望族的宅院近一些。 A new report s...

  • not-in-my-backyard 邻避效应

    15-09-02 There have been reports recently that residents of a community in Shanghai opposed the construction of a care home for the elderly near the community, because it might have a negative effect on their house prices. It's a typical social conflict that...

  • Neither 都不是

    15-06-04 It was local election time and the candidate was visiting all the houses in his area. At one house a small boy answered the door. Tell me, young man, said the politician. Is your Mommy in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party? Neither, said t...