• 干细胞研究有助人类提高生活质量

    10-06-09 Stem cell research holds promise for improving the quality of human life ― especially embryonic(胚胎的) stem cells, which can potentially develop into any tissue in the human body. However, basic scientific problems still remain unresolved but Te...

  • I love you and I hate you

    10-06-02 It is the true test of how human we really are. How much we can accept in our fellow humans. And really how much we want to accept. If we accept too much does that make us strong. And if we don't accept enough does that make us weak. Or is it the ot...

  • 动物有像人类一样的言行举止吗?

    10-05-11 How do children reason about the natural world? How do they understand the relation between human and non-human animals? For decades, the consensus(一致,舆论) was that as young children begin reasoning about the biological world, they adopt an an...

  • 南非发现新品种类人化石

    10-04-09 Two well-preserved skeletons(骷髅,骨骼) of a human ancestor never before seen have been discovered in South Africa by a team that includes a Texas AM University anthropologist(人类学家,人类学者) . The discovery is outlined(轮廓,概述) in a p...

  • 人类历史的四个时期

    10-04-01 There had been four ages since the human world first came into being(形成,产生) . They are the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Age of Bronze and the Age of Iron. The Golden Age was the best of all. It was an age when Kronus sat on the throne. Gen...

  • “性别门”主角卡斯特尔·塞门亚本赛季将继续参赛

    10-03-31 World 800m champion Caster Semenya insisted she will race this season, hours after being told to wait for gender-test results to be revealed. 在被告知需要等待性别鉴定结果数小时之后,女子800米世界冠军卡斯特尔塞门亚强调,自己将会继续进行本赛季的比赛。...

  • DNA检测发现前所未知的古人种

    10-03-25 Scientists have identified a previously unknown type of ancient human through analysis of DNA from a finger bone unearthed in a Siberian cave. 科学家们通过对一块西伯利亚某山洞出土的指骨进行分析,发现一种前所未知的古人种。 The finger bone was unearth...

  • 科学家通过水螅研究视觉的起源

    10-03-12 By studying the hydra(水螅) , a member of an ancient group of sea creatures that is still flourishing(繁荣的,盛行的) , scientists at UC Santa Barbara have made a discovery in understanding the origins of human vision. The finding is published i...

  • 印度需要为野生动物提供更多的生存环境

    10-03-11 A study on the past extinction of large mammals in India by the Wildlife Conservation Society, Duke University, and other groups has found that country's protected area system and human cultural tolerance for some species are key to conserving(保存...

  • 研究:气候因素导致麝牛灭绝

    10-03-09 A team of scientists has discovered that the drastic(激烈的,猛烈的) decline in Arctic musk ox(麝牛) populations that began roughly 12,000 years ago was due to a warming climate rather than to human hunting. This is the first study to use ancien...