• 英国探险家沙克尔顿南极沉船时隔百年被发现

    22-05-18 How do you make a robot likeable? 怎样才能让机器人讨人喜欢? Its a simple enough question 这个问题并不难。 but it needs complex science to find an answer. 但需要复杂的科学手段才能找到答案。 Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire [UK] asked vo...

  • 委婉表达不同意见 下

    22-01-07 Thats an interesting way to look at it. 这个角度看问题也不错。 Thats an interesting way to look at it, but did you think about the social impact. 这个角度看问题也不错,但是你有想过社会影响吗? With all respect 我很尊重你的意见 With all respect, but...

  • to be bullheaded 固执己见

    21-04-11 形容词 bullheaded 用来描述某人 固执任性,刚愎自用,往往不考虑他人的感受。 例句 He is so bullheaded. He just does what he wants all the time and doesnt care what I want. 他太固执了。他总是做自己想做的事情,从不在乎我想要什么。 She has this bullheaded...