• 昆虫大餐

    21-02-25 昆虫汉堡、蟋蟀比萨听到这些新鲜菜式的名字,你是垂涎欲滴还是脑袋发懵?不论你接受与否,虫子这种不同寻常的食材已在世界各地流行起来。随着人口增长,人们已经开始寻找含蛋白质等营养物质的可替代食品资源,有越来越多的企业也借此潮流探索全新的商业机会。 Feeling...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 7

    20-12-24 Wilbur liked Charlotte better and better each day. Her campaign against insects seemed sensible and useful. Hardly anybody around the farm had a good word to say for a fly. Flies spent their time pestering others. The cows hated them. The horses det...

  • 全球昆虫总数急剧下降

    20-12-17 一份有关昆虫数量的科学审核报告显示,世界上 40% 的昆虫物种数量正 急剧下降。这份报告称,导致昆虫总数下降的原因是集约型农业、使用杀虫剂以及气候变暖。 Insects are the most abundant form of animal life on the planet, representing more than 17 times the w...

  • 研究:花朵可以听见昆虫的声音

    19-01-02 An Israeli research found that the night-primrose flowers, exposed to the sounds of bees and moths wings, distribute the flower pollen and raise the concentration of sugar in their nectar in only three minutes. 以色列一项研究发现,报春花暴露于蜜蜂或...

  • 北美17年蝉提前4年出土

    17-06-04 Swarms of cicadas are unexpectedly crawling out from under trees from North Carolina to New Jersey. The red-eyed insects are almost impossible to miss; they fly around lazily, plunking into backyard barbeques and crashing into cars. They litter the...

  • 古代昆虫的伪装技巧

    16-06-27 Insects have evolved diverse types of camouflage that have played an important role in their evolutionary success. Debris-carrying, a behavior of actively harvesting and carrying exogenous materials, is among the most fascinating and complex behavio...

  • 美国玩具商制造由昆虫驾驶的赛车玩具

    15-12-21 While Google and others try to develop a a self driving car, toy maker Mattel has revealed a very different approach - letting a cricket drive. 就在谷歌和其它商家研发无人驾驶汽车的时候,玩具制造商美泰公司展现了它的独特策略让蟋蟀开车。 Mattel has rel...

  • 可在水面跳跃的仿生机器人

    15-08-04 The concept of walking on water might sound supernatural, but in fact it is a quite natural phenomenon. Many small living creatures leverage water's surface tension to maneuver themselves around. One of the most complex maneuvers, jumping on water,...

  • 昆虫视觉有助于提升机器人视觉系统

    15-06-15 The way insects see and track their prey is being applied to a new robot under development at the University of Adelaide, in the hopes of improving robot visual systems. The project - which crosses the boundaries of neuroscience, mechanical engineer...

  • 昆虫翅膀可能拥有陀螺仪的功能

    15-03-20 Gyroscopes measure rotation in everyday technologies, from unmanned aerial vehicles to cell phone screen stabilizers. Though many animals can move with more precision and accuracy than our best-engineered aircraft and technologies, gyroscopes are ra...