• 蜜蜂的重要性

    22-05-18 你喜欢蜜蜂吗?除了能带来蜂蜜以外,它们作为传粉昆虫,也是生态系统中重要的一环。近来,这类毛绒绒的小动物的数量正在持续下降,这是为什么? How do you feel about bees? Do you get irritated when they buzz around you and do you fear their mission is just t...

  • 英国萨里郡发现害虫“臭屁虫”

    21-11-17 为辅助一项监测研究,专家在英格兰萨里郡捕捉了一只会危害庄稼、侵扰房屋的 臭屁虫。 Brown marmorated stink bugs are tiny dull shield-shaped insects which get their name from the strong odour they emit when threatened. Theyve become a nuisance in the US,...

  • 混合杀虫剂增加蜜蜂死亡数量

    21-09-17 根据对 90 项研究进行的分析, 那些预先混合好然后卖给农民的农药会杀死两倍数量的蜜蜂。 Our bees face multiple threats to their survival from a loss of food rich natural grassland to the dozens of chemical pesticides that are commonly used in agricultur...

  • 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出

    21-06-21 Its a sight and sound that will make your skin crawl. Billions of periodical cicadas emerging out of the earth and overtaking the eastern United States. The rare spectacle has Americans in awe. 此景此声会让你毛骨悚然。数十亿只周期蝉破土而出,席卷美...