• 网络保险产品引专家担忧

    18-05-07 The boom in niche insurance products available for purchase online in China has some industry experts worried, reports Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,国内网上可购买的利基保险产品市场的繁荣引起业内专家的担忧。 Adventurous eaters can buy a policy for...

  • 安邦原董事长吴小晖受审

    18-03-29 Wu Xiaohui, former chair and general manager of Chinese conglomerate Anbang Insurance Group, has stood trial on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Shanghai on charges of embezzlement and fraud. 安邦保险集团原董事长兼CEO吴小晖因挪用公款以及诈骗于2018年3月2...

  • 众安保险2017年净亏损9.96亿

    18-03-22 Chinas first online insurer Zhongan Online PC Insurance reported a net loss of 996 million yuan (157 million U.S. dollars) in 2017, against a gain of 9.37 million yuan in 2016, according to its annual report released on Tuesday. 中国首家网络保险公司...

  • 网售“恋爱险”不符合《保险法》

    18-01-20 Chinas insurance watchdog has come out against the love insurance products sold online in the country, labelling them as fake policies. 中国保险监管机构出面提醒大家不要购买网络销售的恋爱险产品,称其为虚假的保险产品。 Chinese mainlands many such quir...

  • 大学课程名称 1

    16-08-03 办公自动化 Office Automation 保险会计 Insurance Accounting 保险学 Insurance 比较管理学 Comparative Management 比较审计学 Comparative Auditing 财务报表分析 Financial Statements Analysis 财务报告环境 Financial Reporting Environment 财务分析 Financial...

  • 中国移动计划进入保险市场

    16-05-25 China Mobile is reportedly planning to invest 2 billion yuan or about 305 million U.S. dollars in two insurance companies from the China Merchants Group. 据报道,中国移动计划向中国招商局集团的两家保险公司投资20亿元人民币(3.05亿美元)。 Online finan...

  • social insurance funds 社保基金

    16-05-16 社保基金( social insurance funds )是为了保障公民在年老、疾...

  • 中国将削减企业社保费率

    16-04-21 The State Council, Chinas cabinet, has decided to further cut employers social security contributions. 中国国务院决定进一步削减企业雇主的社保费率。 The decision was made at a meeting headed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on April 13. The decision is...

  • 为不确定的气候买份保险

    16-03-27 In December, negotiators at the Paris climate meeting adopted insurance as an instrument to aid climate adaptation. Earlier in the year, the leaders of the G7 pledged to bring climate insurance to 400 million uninsured individuals in poor countries...

  • "Helping the elderly" insurance 扶老人险

    16-01-29 Helping the elderly insurance became available for purchase on Alibaba's payment platform Alipay recently. The insurance costs 3 yuan a year ($0.47) and pays up to 20,000 yuan to cover legal fees should the insured be involved in a dispute over whet...