• 云南公布入侵物种新名单

    19-05-28 The provincial government of Yunnan has published a new list of alien invasive species. 云南省政府公布了一份外来入侵物种的新名单。 It includes 441 alien species and 4 variants, such as Fushou snails, Blattella Americana as well as crayfish, 50.1% of...

  • 英国水域面临南欧物种入侵

    14-10-14 Five of the most high-risk freshwater invaders from the Ponto-Caspian region around Turkey and Ukraine are now in Britain -- including the quagga mussel, confirmed just two weeks ago on 1 October in the Wraysbury River near Heathrow airport. Researc...

  • 大头蚁面对激烈竞争者时会长得更大

    14-10-05 The big-headed ant (Pheidole megacephala) is considered one of the world's worst invasive ant species. As the name implies, its colonies include soldier ants with disproportionately large heads. Their giant, muscle-bound noggins power their biting p...

  • 气候变暖可能对入侵物种有意想不到的影响

    14-08-08 Rising temperatures may be seen as universally beneficial for non-native species expanding northward, but a Dartmouth College study suggests a warmer world may help some invaders but hurt others depending on how they and native enemies and competito...

  • 野生动物走廊有时会帮助入侵物种的扩散

    14-08-07 When the ants come marching in, having miles of linked habitats may not be such a good idea after all. In a classic example of the law of unintended consequences, new University of Florida research suggests that wildlife corridors strips of natural...

  • 非侵入性木本植物栽培需谨慎

    11-10-10 Cultivars(栽培品种) of popular ornamental woody plants that are being sold in the United States as non-invasive are probably anything but(根本不) , according to an analysis by botanical(植物学的) researchers published in the October issue of B...

  • 研究:使用氯喹治疗乳腺癌

    10-03-03 Can a drug that has been used to treat malaria(疟疾,瘴气) for years possibly be used to treat breast cancer before it becomes invasive? That's what researchers at George Mason University's Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAP...
